FAME Monthly Prayer Calendar                                  APRIL 2018


Dear Reggie Hundley; Mission Services,

Thank you for your continued prayers for the ministry of FAME. We are blessed to be able to have you partner with us each month, as we pray together for our missionary partners, scholarship recipients, board members, volunteers, church visits and conventions, short-term mission trips, staff and other special people. Your prayers do make a difference!  

This month we ask for prayers for some sustainable healthcare projects for which we are currently raising funds. Please pray that these projects receive the funding needed and that the construction process for those that involve construction goes smoothly. Pray also for the missions with whom we are partnering with on these projects that they can continue to be a light in their community, leading those who have little hope to the One that brings hope and healing, Jesus Christ.

Also, please pray for the medical mission trips we have coming up both this year and next.  We are always in need of both medical and non-medical participants on all our trips. If you or someone you know would like more information about any of our short-term medical mission trips, please contact Lonnie Burley, Director of Short-Term Trips at LBurley@fameworld.org.

Another item of prayer this month is our Spring FAME Board of Directors Meeting. Please pray for not only for the meeting itself and the decisions that will be made, but also for each of the directors. Pray for God’s wisdom and direction as our FAME board makes decisions that will guide the ministry over the course of the next year and beyond.

Again, thank you for your continued prayers and support, and may you be blessed on this Easter Sunday as we celebrate the Risen Christ!

Blessings to all of you in the coming month,

Lisa Law
FAME Office Manager

Click here for the FAME Prayer Calendar

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4545 Southeastern Avenue
IndianapolisIN 46203
(317) 358-2480