Written by: Selah Joy Burnett


Peace on earth. Peace is what I earnestly pray for in my quiet time. I believe that having peace does not guarantee a promise of life being easyYet true peace gives us the assurance that when we are following the Lord we can rest in His perfect peace no matter the circumstances. Whentrusting in the Lord we can embrace the knowledge that God is in control and at work even through the storms of life or through the hustle and bustle of the Holidays.  I want to share a story from a letter we received last year which is a perfect example of peace and trust in the Lord. Col. 3:15 “Let the peace of Christ rules in your hearts…”

“Dear Steve, Vonda, and all

Jesus said, “Sell your possessions and give to the poor.” (Luke 12:33). We have fumbled our way into unintentional obedience. A thief took a lot of stuff out of our storage unit while we were ministering overseas. Now the insurance has bought the rights to our missing stuff. They took out a deductible and then wrote us a check for this amount. Please use it to help those who are spiritually poor because of their lack of hearing.

We hope that you continue to remember that God gave us the ultimate gift, His son Jesus. We must remember that we should be a servant like Christ and serve others rather than be served. A friend of mine once quoted C.S. Lewis who said, “True humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.”

Updates: Denison Deaf Church

Recently we have been attending the Denison Deaf Church to help encourage the deaf church members who attend. Vonda has been faithfully training the deaf church in evangelism and has seen growth in their confidence about sharing the gospel. The transformation has been truly amazing but we encourage you to continue to keep us in your prayers. Pray for Pastor Terry that God gives him the strength and wisdom to lead the flock. Pray that the members continue to keep their hearts and minds open to the Lord and that they grow deeper in their faith daily. Recently some members of the deaf church went to the International Conference of Missions and that was a good experience for them. They greatly enjoyed the conference and one of them even said, “I am going to start saving money so I can go next year!” Thanks to Carol Cox (Deaf Ministries )who we met at ICOM and for providing lodging for deaf church members. She is also distributing 72 of our DVDs to the Kansas City Deaf Christian Ministries.  We watched the movie, Courageous, it was well received. Brenda (deaf woman) and her granddaughter, Breanna,as well as Tracy came and stayed with us during Thanksgiving. They were a big help and a joy to have. Steven and Vonda have recently agreed to become Breanna’s god parents. Tracy asks for prayer that she will overcome her struggles with OCD. Vonda contacted the local news in hopes of getting a free minivan for the pastor and his wife. On December the 18 we have an interview with KXII TVPastor Terry needs a van because his family has no means of transportation, so they must rely on other people to pick them and others up for church. We distributed 10 DVD Bibles to the Denison deaf community. Please pray for volunteer, Sharita Isringhouse and family in the loss of her husband, Otto. (She has shared her artwork and (along with Otto) transported the deaf church to the 2009 Deaf Crusade)


In July, we traveled to Oahu Hawaii. While there we visited the deaf school and gave them a set of DVDto use in their library. We also worked with the Hawaii Church of the Deaf. We distributed free DVDS to everyone at the two church services we attended. Upon our departure, we left them with a huge box of DVDs to distribute among the Island. Vonda was able to teach during both Sundays, once during Sunday school and during Main Service. While there we showed one of our newest songs that had been filmed when we were there before, six years ago. One of the pastors, Pastor Daryl, had been involved in signing that song along with Vonda. While there, my mother and I were able to do some street ministry in Waikiki. We had such a great time taking turns signing Christian songs while the other handed out tracts. While on the street we engaged in some meaningful Biblical conversations. Hawaii was a great time ofministry and relaxation. We look forward to more ministry with the Hawaii Deaf Church in the future.

We were blessed to participate in Vacation Bible School, as the missionary at the First Christian Church in SapulpaWhile in Oklahoma, we visited a deaf friend in the hospital, went to arecreation center to meet our deaf friend, Betty Anne.  We gave them DVDs, shared in a deaf fellowship at the church (thanks to Janie Huff), visited with local supporters, and spoke at the Northside Broken Arrow Church on Sunday morning. The deaf fellowship was a joyful event. We were able to meet with people that we have not seen in years and we signed old songs that Vonda had taught some of the deaf adults when they were childrenThanks to all for your help!

Expressions of Emmanuel has been regularly attending the Texoma Deaf Silent Dinners. We have enjoyed fellowshipping with the local deaf in the area and encouraging them in their faith. We have been distributing free DVDs at the events and they are well received.

September 16-27th, Steven and Vonda went to Alaska. We are extremely thankful for the generosity of the Kenai Christian Church because they bought their plane tickets. Steven and Vonda attended a Bible Study at CCA, and stayed at Caleb Rippy’s home. They rode the train from Anchorage to Fairbanks, Alaska. They spoke in Fairbanks and visited deaf organizations in the area. They met a family (Norris) with a deaf infant, encouraged them, helped connect them with sign language teachers, and gave them videos. Thank you to Nicole and Adri who housed them. Thanks to Debbie and Mark Chapman, Jennifer, Heimers, and the Farewell Christian Church for their generosity. Debbie and Jennifer interpret for the deaf in Fairbanks and were given 75 DVDs to distribute. Also thanks needs to be given to the Heimers and to FarewellAvenue Christian Church. In Palmer, they were transported and housed by the Lance family. They were able to share in the Sunday school and main service at Palmer Christian Church. Next, they stayed at Rick and Carol Elliot’s home. They shared with the missions committee and in the Wednesday night service in AnchorageRick Elliot took them to deaf schools and different deaf organizations to deliver DVDs. James Patton from the Anchorage deaf church and some of his church members attended the Wednesday night service at CCA. On Thursday afternoon they spoke at Hope Christian Church. Finally they visited Kenai and stayed with Braxton and Brenna Cox as well as Gayle Buben. Vonda and Steven shared with the Kenai Christian Church missions committee, youth group, high school Sunday school class, worship service, and at a local Christian school. Steven and Vonda enjoyed the train ride and they saw unique birds at the Seward Sea Life facility. They distributed DVDs to the deaf in the Kenai area as well as sent DVDs to some remote locations, and donated videos to public libraries. It was great for them to see the deaf group on Wednesday night, and they were very encouraged. A special thanks to all of those who housed and cared for the Hamiltons. We appreciate your love, support, and kindness!

At the Fannin County Fair in October, Expressions of Emmanuel had a booth with Life Covenant Church. We had DVDs on display along with tracts that share the gospel. We had candy eyeballs and asked the kids to read a verse about how we should look to Christ and after they read the scripture they were rewarded with candy.

Steven, Vonda, Cloudi, and I went to the International Conference on Missions in Kansas City, MO. Dacie Bradley and Marcie Harris joined us on the trip. We had a booth at the convention. While there we raised awareness for the deaf community and their need for the gospel and we also looked for partners to join us! We had a couple of college kids interested in being summer interns and we are thrilled at the prospect of that! Please be on the lookout for workers to help join us in the harvest!

August 24th Cache Christian Church invited us to spend the day sharing and fellowshipping at Sandy Lake Park. We are thankful for the time we had with this little church.

October 17th Steve and Vonda are thankful to have shared at Fontana Christian Church.  She enjoyed visiting with her cousins Joyce Stoughton, Lisa Gainer & family, and the whole church.

New Projects

Steven has been busy at work. He stays in his office for hours at a time diligently editing new songs and devotionals to put on new DVDs to distribute. Steven and Vonda have a few things up their sleeve, like four new DVDs that they have envisioned. We have taped all of the material needed to go on the new DVDs; now all that is left to do is edit. We are excited to announce that we have two new kids DVDs in the works, one Teenager DVD, one Israel DVD, and one DVD with strictly Sarah Groves music (she gave us her music for free).

The second Teenage DVD that is coming out will be called, “Eighteen. Everything, Is, God’s,Hope, Trust, Enjoy, Every day, Now!” Vonda is extremely creative when naming DVDs. Cloudi and I are the main artists on this DVD and we are both eighteen so she took our ages and ran with it.

The Israel DVD consists of Bible lessons that were filmed in the Holy Land.

The children song DVDS are named “Celebrating the Love of Jesus in Hawaii and Alaska! HA ! Hey, devil, you are a loser!”  (#1 Belly Laugh # 2 Laugh Out Loud LOL)

The adult music DVD is named “The Last Frontier: Songs of Sarah Groves in Alaska.”

We have posted some of the songs that are going to be on these new DVDs on our YouTubechannel and on our facebooks. Check them out!  Vonda is actively trying to encourage people and give prayer updates on facebook.

Your support is helping us share the gospel in mighty ways.  Please continue to partner with us!  This next year we hope to be involved in several Deaf Nation Expos. (Lord willing)  We believe that these outreaches are an excellent way to share God’s work in person and to share the DVDs.

Travel expenses and booth costs are needed to share in these outreaches along with five video projects.  There will also be some music licenses to fund.  We will need to raise our support base to meet these needs.

Blast In The Past

This poem was written by Vonda when she was seventeen years old. We hope that it encourages, inspires, and reminds you that our lives do not truly belong to us but to Him!


Behind every man, there is a woman.

Where there is a cloud, there is a sky.

With every arm, there is a hand.

Behind every gal, there is a guy.


They say, “To every rule, there is an exception”,

Here is one time, no exception is true.

When you make Jesus, your Lord, Savior and selection,

If you love and obey him, Christ will never leave you.


God dwells, not just behind, but ahead of, beside and everywhere.

He abides with us, because we are his instrument, his rod.

We are placed into this word, by God, for our salvation to share.

We are to be seen as shadows for all.

For our message is of Jesus Christ, our blessed Savior.

For others, without Him, will surely fall,

For without God’s son, we can’t have a Christian behavior.

So let your shadow be like Jesus Christ and be one with the Savior.


I would like to add to that. I believe that you can use your life and social platform as a building block that directs others towards Christ or you can allow yourself to be a deterrent. I think sometimes we have to get out of the mindset that says it is all about us, because once we become a Christian it’s all about Christ. Be careful because we not only wear our names but Christ’s name. Represent Him well.




Cloudi is a junior in High School. She has become quite the talented cook. She recently had her eighteenth birthday party in November. Many deaf people from all over the region came to celebrate. We had cake and a roller-skating party in her honor. At her high school she was recently chosen as the Homecoming Princess. We are blessed by her and her hardworking spirit. Yesterday she was showing off her new tool box, she is Papa’s helper.


Selah attends Dallas Christian College and recently completed her first semester of college, only seven to go! She enjoys the atmosphere and the friendships that she has developed there. She was recently hired by the college to be an on campus tutor for Biblical and history classes. She wants to go on a mission trip to Nepal this summer with her college to work in a leper colony, to hold a VBS for children in the slums, to lead worship at a local church, sponsor a sports ministryat a private school, and do a conference for the youth in the rural areas of Nepal.


Andres is pursuing an Associate’s degree at El Centro community collegePlease pray for him in his career pursuit. Praise the Lord the Cregos gave him a car! He is coming home for the Holidays!


Vonda just completed her class called Developing a Culture of Evangelism and that has put her a step closer to receiving her Master’s degree. She has been working hard to maintain good grades and has done well. Her plan is to take one class per semester until she graduates. Her studies are helping her keep her mind keen and sharp, and she is learning things that she can apply to the ministry.


Steven has been editing video footage. He is quite the trooper. He and Cloudi work together on a lot of jobs that need to be done around the house. Please pray for him for strength and continual healing. Please pray that all of us walk in the will of the Lord and that we receive wisdom and peace.




We are thankful for Jay and Michelle Ainsworth. They came to our house for three days and worked in the office.


We are thankful for Dacie Bradley. She is an apprentice under Vonda in the ministry. Vonda has been training her and teaching her about deaf culture. She has become quite the talented signer.


Vonda worked with Rachel Gunlock a couple of years ago, and we have just received news that she will be attending Ozark Christian College and will study deaf ministry there.


We are thankful for all those who have helped serve. “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few.” We need help. We really need people to give, serve, and pray.


Julie Ann Lance has been given some DVDs and is distributing them in



We need support to continue this work.

We need a mission board. (HCC is still behind us, but thinks this is a good idea. Interested?)

We need an internship program.

We need interns who are willing to come and stay with us, or help from a distance.                  


We can use help in the following ways:

Updating mailing lists (snail mail and email)

Editing video

Shooting video

Editing newsletters and other written documents

Sewing costumes for Bible lessons

Artwork for videos

Uploading pictures/videos/articles for Facebook/Twitter  

Updating/improving our website

Uploading videos for YouTube and our blog

Searching for the economical tickets, hotels, and props

Writing grants and Fundraising

Researching by using the internet deaf churches and ministries in areas that we are traveling

Trying to get videos into deaf schools, libraries, universities and colleges where they have Deaf Education and or Interpreter training programs. 

We also need help at our mission house/office with organization of the office and prop room.

We also could use a team of people to come and fix the upper porch on the mission house as it is caving in and needs repaired.

People who are working on signing or already sign could also help us with deaf outreaches by talking to people at booths or going to churches and places where we minister and help us minister. (Interpreting, teaching …)

When we go to shoot a song or Bible lesson, we could also use a “Grip”, a person who helps in the background to do whatever is needed to get the job done.

Another thing we could use is someone to recruit volunteers or even folks that would raise support to help in any of these areas.

And of course the most important one that everyone can do… pray. 


Thank you so much for joining us to share the gospel with the deaf community!


From Steve, Vonda, Andres, Selah, Cloudi and Luna

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – God Bless You Abundantly


Contact Info

Video Phone: Cloudi Bland

(903)257-3448 (Sorenson)

(903)449-4086 (Z)

Skype: Expressions.of.Emmanuel

Facebook: Expressions of Emmanuel

Vonda Bland Hamilton

Twitter: @VisionsforVonda

YouTube Channel: expressionsemmanuel




January 27            Bonham Ministry Sign language classes begin

February 7-9     Kansas City Deaf  Women’s Retreat

February 21-23   Hot Springs, Arkansas (Visit deaf church)

March 2                Missions Program at Hillcrest Christian Church

March 15            Jacksonville, Florida Deaf Nation

April 12                Dallas, TX Deaf Nation

May 17- June 1   Selah’s Mission Trip to Nepal

September 27     Boston, MA Deaf Nation

October 18          Seattle, WA Deaf Nation

October 25          Denver, CO Deaf Nation

November 13-17 Columbus, OH ICOM


——————————————————————————————————————————-If you enjoy receiving our newsletter, but would prefer to have it emailed to you, please let us know.  This helps us cut our costs.  Please email us at:  If you enjoy our newsletter mailed to you just as it is, we will continue to do so. If you move to a different address and want to receive the newsletter, try to let us know beforehand, because of bulk mailings the post office will not forward our letter and we often lose contact.

Become a new supporter!  Expressions of Emmanuel trust that all of you who receive our letter are supporting us already in your prayers. Thank you! If God leads you to become a financial supporter please fill in the form below and mail it to us. If you already support us, thank you!

Yes, I/we _________________________ would like to become a regular supporter ofExpressions of Emmanuel, Missionaries with the Deaf.

With a donation of: monthly (_) yearly (_)  one time donation(_)   other _________

In the amount of $10.00 (_)   $15.00 (_)   $20.00 (_)    other $___,____,____.__

Make Checks payable to: Expressions of Emmanuel  




Expressions of Emmanuel

PO Box 62, Ector, TX  75439,

903.583.6143, cell: 903.449.6328

VP: 903.449.4086(Z) or 903.257.3448(Sorenson)

Facebook: Vonda Bland Hamilton & Expressions of Emmanuel

Youtube channel:expressionsemmanuel




Hillcrest Christian Church

509 S Graves St

McKinney, TX  75069

Phone: 972.542.6070 Fax: 972.542.6277

Email:   Return Service Requested