Envision eNewsletter March 2012
In This Issue
A New Church Plant
What CITYChurch is Counting
God Honors Envision’s Investments

Envision Leadership

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Here is the current Envision leadership team:


Envision has increased giving by over 200% by adding multiple new financial partners. To join the Envision team, please feel free to contact us.


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by Crockett Davidson

“I haven’t been to church in 16 years and there is something good going on here!” “I have never been this excited to go to church ever!” “There is something special about Vintage City Church and it keeps me coming back each week!”


These are all quotes from people who attended Vintage City’s Launch Sunday on March 18. For months many have been praying that the glory of God would be revealed in the city of Hickory, NC and that many would find hope and peace in the name of Jesus. Hickory is a city filled with some amazing people, but most of them have stories of being hurt or disappointed by church. When you say the word “Christian” here, people will smile and refer to them as kind, loving people. When the word “church” is used, you hear words like politics, hurtful, judgmental, and unsafe. That is why we planted a different kind of church in Hickory. We believe the church is the hope of the world and the beautiful bride of Christ. Yes, she may have some issues at times, but she should love, serve and be encouraging to those who do not know Jesus.


Vintage City Church initially opened her doors to 176 people looking for truth and peace in the midst of pain and struggle. We stood as one family worshiping, clapping and praising the One who paid it all. We searched Scripture and found that Jesus doesn’t make life easy, but he makes living worth it. We ended our service wondering what people thought and who would return. Seven days later we would find out after all our friends, family and supports had gone home, Vintage City Church would start with 127 people ready to lead the city to become passionate followers of Jesus.

Vintage City's Launch Sunday VIdeo
Vintage City’s Launch Sunday VIdeo


Nothing is impossible for God, so we want Hickory to be the hardest place for someone to go to hell. Vintage City Church is devoted to reaching the lost, community impact and moving the people of God forward in their faith. 


We believe that through support of our partners and the prayers of people like you, we can reach an entire city for Jesus. 



by Chris Jones


In September of 2011 there were 473,937 people officially listed as unemployed. Those of you who are not numbers people are already bored.But there is a good chance that you know one of those 473,937 people. You know the impact unemployment has had on their family. You know where they live now, and where they used to live before their house was foreclosed.


city church


No one wants to be a number, we want to be seen as individuals. Jesus cared about individuals. He cared about the individual woman who touched his robe. He cared about the individual little man up in a tree. Like those individuals, whose stories are recorded in the Bible, we all have our own story.


The biggest thrill for me as the Lead Servant of CITYChurch is that I get to hear and participate in people’s stories. The single mother who was recently baptized into Jesus. The woman who prayed for a church in her neighborhood for months until she started seeing a CITYChurch sign at the corner by her apartment each week. The family that looks so normal on the outside, but the reality is that without the guidance of Christian people through CITYChurch, they would not be a family today.


If there is one number I like to share it would be 1. As a staff we listed every person who had visited CITYChurch and talked about their story. Out of all those people, 1 family was truly connected to a church before they came to CITYChurch. I once heard that “Everyone deserves to have a church family” and the people we see each Sunday are people who needed a church family. Through the grace of God and help of Envision, people in the heart of Winston-Salem, NC are becoming a part of a church family in ways which they never even dreamed. 



by Allen Brown   


What goes around, comes around. Quite the cliché, but nonetheless true in a very special way for Envision. Back in the early 1990’s, Envision (then known as Piedmont Evangelizing Fellowship) invested in a new church and gave $15,000 to the Eastside Christian Church in Sanford to help purchase a five-acre tract for a future site. Regrettably, Eastside Christian Church was never able to relocate there and in 2009 the church ceased to exist and the property was given to Envision. While we are disappointed that the Sanford church no longer exists, we rejoice that they looked to the future and decided to help Envision continue its work of starting new churches in North Carolina. What goes around, comes around!


In June 2010, Envision placed the property up for sale, but it drew very little interest over the next sixteen months. However, in October 2011 several prospective buyers made offers and in November an agreement was made with Iglesia Penetcostes Ebenezer (a Hispanic church associated with the Assemblies of God) to purchase the land for net proceeds of $32,500. The sale was contingent on the property meeting the requirements of the Lee County Health Services Department and approval of the buyer’s site plan by the Technical Review Committee of Lee County. We learned in mid-November that approval had been given to the buyer and a closing was scheduled for late November. However, the attorney for the buyer learned that the buyer was not incorporated and he suggested this be done prior to the closing. This originally delayed the closing, but the transaction was cleared at the end of last year and $32,500 was deposited into Envision’s account. Praise the Lord!


What a blessing that it has come back to Envision so that it can be re-invested in future churches! These previously-invested funds will have come back more than doubled. Isn’t it a wonderful thing how God has made what has gone around, come around again? For Envision, the cliché has become a reality!


Become an Envision Partner


Envision is working to secure funding to hire a church planter to launch a new North Carolina Church in Fall 2011. If you would like to join our team, please let us know. We would love to have you as part of our team.


Please send financial support to:



PO Box 1121

Kernersville, North Carolina 27284
