March 19, 2014
Greetings  once again from a HOT Honduras!  We had some rain last night, so today has been better, but yesterday it was over 100.
Thanks again for your prayers for John.  We finally saw the doctor again yesterday and he was very pleased at how well John was doing.   He is now using the knee brace for an hour morning and evening and is walking without the walker or the cane.  He drove from Puerto Cortes to San Pedro Sula yesterday and part of the way home.  He has very little pain in the knee now.  He is also using the stationary bicycle two or three times a day.
Please pray they will do something more one the road the first 5 1/4 kilometers between here and Puerto Cortes.  We were unable to make our first appointment with the doctor as the road was impassible and the buses went on strike.  The communities who were affected went to the mayor off Puerto Cortes and they finally filled in all of the water holes but with rocky material that is difficult to travel on. And they have left the rest of the road with too many pot holes to count.  After traveling that 5 1/4 kilometers, you feel shaken all over and I don’t think we will go out again until we are completely out of groceries.  We don’t have to see the doctor for three weeks, so we are thankful for that.  
We are still not having many patients in the clinic.  Our first day seeing patients in March we had over 20, but since then we only see  4 to 10 patients and one day’ we didn’t see any.
We continue to have good attendance at all of our worship services.One Sunday morning we had more men than women.  The men are visiting at different homes of men on Thursday nights and some of those men are now back in services.  The women continue to meet on Thursday afternoons.
We have had one baptism this year.  Please pray for Sisi Limas as she begins her life in Christ.  Her parents are separated and her dad has not been in Church for a long time and her mother only attends .occasionally. Neither of them came for her baptism.
Thanks for your prayers for Maribel Hernandez.  She is still very thin, but now eating better and is attending worship services.
We continue to appreciate hearing from you and especially so many of you who let us know you were praying for John.
In His Love,  John and Madonna