Tue, 15 Apr 2014


We pray you will have a blessed Resurrection Sunday.
John continues to do well.  The doctor adjusted his brace and now he can’t wear it as it rubbed a raw place on his leg, but he is getting around fine.
Our good news is that they did finally fix the road.  Thanks for your prayers.  We made it to the pavement one day in a record 22 minutes.  The only problem is due to the dust we counted 31 speed bumps going in to Puerto Cortes the other day.  Still it is much better.
We had a frustrating day yesterday.  It is time to renew our residencies and we had planned to do it on Thursday this week forgetting it was Semana Santa.  We hoped Immigration would be open on Monday, but we drove all the way to San Pedro Sula to find it closed, so will have to go back next Monday.
On Friday night the Honduran ministers had a farewell supper for Bill and Margy Hoff who are returning to the States to live.  We will miss them.  We spent the night with Mark and Joy Hoff, Bill’s son who will continue their ministry.  Please pray for Bill and Margy as they return to Knoxville that they will find a ministry there.
We will have our Sunrise Service at 5 A.M. Sunday morning and Madonna will try to make some doughnuts for those who attend.  The people do enjoy her doughnuts.
We had a few cooler days, but it is hot again.  It is 106 outside this morning, but much cooler inside.  
Once again last Sunday morning we had more men for Church than women.  That is encouraging.
Once again we do appreciate hearing from you and especially we thank you for your prayers.
In His Love, John and Madonna