Dec 13, 2013
Dear prayer partners,

Andrei and I arrived in Ft Lauderdale Monday morning. The bus that was to take us to Melbourne was CANCELED! We rented a car and even with gas it was far less than the bus anyway. 

I brought LaVerne home from the hospitalWednesday night and left today for Atlanta. I am in Snellville now. Andrei and I are speaking at two churches on Sunday and I have the TMI board meeting on Tuesday, after which we will drive back to Florida. 

During LaVerne’s second hospital stay with her knee cap problem, her incision was reopened and flushed. There was a lot of fluid, a little blood, but no sign of infection (PTL). A sample has been sent to the lab to be sure that there is no infection. Most of the fluid was in a sac — a seroma — something that may happen after surgery.

Pray that LaVerne will not have swelling in her knee as it heals. And no infection. A visiting nurse changes the bandage and gives her her strong antibiotic through the PICC IV that they left in her arm.

LaVerne wants to get her ankle fused in January, but it cannot be before February now. The doctor said that her leg (with the knee repair) has to be strong enough to support her when the leg with the ankle fusion is in a cast and for six weeks cannot touch the floor or have any weight put on it. He said that will probably means 8 weeks after this latest surgery. 

This probably means that I will need to remain in the States to assist LaVerne thru these first six weeks of fusion, then return to Ukraine during her second period when she is in another cast for 8 weeks. This is all speculation at this point.

Ukraine is in great turmoil. It is uncertain what will eventuate, and what may be affected by possible changes in the government. Some Ukrainians fear a civil war. Whatever happens, the economy is likely to become even worse than it is. Please pray for Ukraine. 

Please pray that the land registration for the old CIU bulding is not (once again) delayed due to government uncertainties. We urgently need to put the building up for sale but cannot do that till the land is registered. We need the funds!

The turmoil in Ukraine could upset a lot of apple carts, making uncertainties multiply. 

May more people in Ukraine consider what is important in their lives and give God a chance to be heard in their lives.  And may our team in Simferopol be prepared to be used by God to speak to them. 

Thanks for your prayers!
Georges (and LaVerne)
PS My brother Michael now has a stent, as I wrote in the last letter, and is regaining his strength. He is to have some more tests to determine the cause of the heart attack, other than his having 70% blockage. He returns to work the end of the month. gpc