Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
    March 2015
The VandeLinde Family

Ryan, Erin, Micah, Josiah
& Analise 



Dwayne can jump!













We all have gifts and abilities, but have you thought about how to use yours to glorify God? Well, Kyle Palmer has. Kyle (with wife Katie) have decided to use their unique gifts in martial arts to spread God’s Word throughout all the world.


Kyle and Katie Palmer have 

formed a ministry called 

Team Rock,” which is a tea

m of very talented young me

n and women that want to use their gifts for God. The difference is, they are all professionals in martial arts or “flipping.” Team Rock travels the world putting on a fiery action-packed show that includes breaking blocks, breaking wood, flipping and flying through the air, nunchucks, bowstaff and many other really cool things.



Kyle and his gang partnered with us here in the DR for a 10 day tour where they used their unique gifts to preach the gospel of Jesus in La Romana, Punta Cana, Higuey and San Pedro. While it was a lot of hard work, God really used Team Rock to bring His message to ears that normally wouldn’t hear the message.


Yes, we broke the board off her head!
My main man Derrick!
Don’t mess with Adel!


Thank you Kyle, Katie, Laurel, Adel, Dwayne and of course my main man, Derrick!    


For more information, their tour schedule or if you would like to invite Team Rock to your next event:

Facebook: teamrockministry



Medical Outreach

Imagine living with gall stones for dozens of years or living with a hernia the size of a tennis ball? We thank God because now about 35 people no longer have to thanks to the wonderful team of doctors and nurses from Northeast Christian Church, Louisville, KY

 Once again Nancy Gray, Leslie Schuschke, and Neil Webster (Board member) lead a successful Operativo Medico offering surgeries for hernias, gall stones, circumcisions as well as a variety of other smaller surgeries including the removal of extra fingers. The well-prepared team provides all the supplies needed for the week so that the cost of the surgery is minimal for the patients. As a matter of fact, this year the patients only had to cover the cost of their blood work as we offered the surgeries for free! Praise God! 

 Many of the men and women of the La Romana Christian Church prayed with each and every patient before and after surgery sharing the love of Jesus with each one. Jovanny Baez, preacher at La Romana Christian Church, also prayed with each patient and share Christ with all who would listen.

We thank Northeast Christian Church for its partnership with EDCM to help meet the needs of the Dominicans.   


Website & Twitter
Check out our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.  
Facebook: Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
Twitter: #EDCMmissions

In This Issue
Team Rock Ministry
Connect with Us
Micah’s Minute and Josiah’s Jot
Prayer Needs and Requests

Contact Information

Ryan & Erin VandeLinde
Email: ryanvandelinde@hotmail.com

: 1-809-707-3069

Mail and Donations to:
Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
PO Box 20136
Roanoke, VA 24018
*for all financial donations

Micah’s Minute
Josiah’s Jot



 Well, sometimes it can be hard to live here in the DR because we are not Dominican. That’s why when we meet other kids from the US, we really want to be their friends. 


Just the other day God brought a really cool kid into our lives and his name is Derrick. Derrick’s parents run a karate ministry called “Team Rock,” so he came with them to the DR. 


We immediately became friends and wanted to spend every minute with Derrick. He is really cool! 


Derrick taught us how to break boards with our fists and do some cool karate kicks.


Thank you God for blessing us with Derrick. I know we will always be friends.



-Micah, 8 yrs. old 
-Josiah, 4 yrs. old



  • La Romana Christian Church needs help purchasing a bus: About $9,000 total (the local congregation is raising approx. 50% of cost) 


  • Upcoming Dental and Dermatological Outreach April 4-12th
  • Youth camp in Salcedo April 9-12th 
  • Victor Hernandez is training leaders in the northern part of the country                      March 31-April 1st


  • David Belliard, an older gentlemen with back problems,  is now in therapy and is making a lot of improvement.
  • Medical Outreach was a huge success.
  • Team Rock preached the Word boldly in places we normally cannot enter
  • Thank you for your prayers! God listens and answers! 

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