Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
    Fall 2014
The VandeLinde Family

Ryan, Erin, Micah, Josiah
& Analise 

 Rejoicing in Heaven
Luke 15:7

“I tell you that  in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.” 

We recently celebrated six baptisms in the La Romana Christian Church; a display of faith that we know is coming from the work God is doing here. Under the leadership of Jovanny and Leticia Baez, the church is growing spiritually and friends are helping lead each other to Christ!

Jovanny Baez 
(wife Leticia, children: Nashlie, Saimon, Sianny) 
Jovanny has been the lead minister of La Romana Christian Church since January 2013. Jovanny’s leadership has really shown through as the congregation is studying God’s Word and growing spiritually. We praise God for bringing us such wonderful leaders like Jovanny and Leticia!



“A New Year of Hope…”
(for the Village of Hope)

This fall marks the second year of Colegio Color

Esperanza, our preschool through 7th grade Christian 

school in Punta Cana. Last year we had around 100 students and this year we have a record attendance of 258 students! Franklin and Ilonka Francisco have continued to lead, and we see that God is blessing the school and giving the local church a great avenue to minister to the entire community through it. 






New EDCM Website
EDCM’s new website is now up and running at
You can check out detailed information about who we are, the church plants, partnerships, and ways to contact us.  Enjoy!

In This Issue
Rejoicing in Heaven
New Website
Contact Information
Micah’s Minute and Josiah’s Jot
EDCM Needs

Contact Information

Ryan & Erin VandeLinde
Email: ryanvandelinde@hotmail.com

: 1-809-707-3069

Mail and Donations to:
Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
PO Box 20136
Roanoke, VA 24018
*for all financial donations

Micah’s Minute
Me & Analise
Mi Hermanita

Well, most of you now know that I have a new little sister. Her name is Analise Grace and she is awesome! She is so chunky and squishy, I just love her. I love to hold her, however, it makes my dad really nervous. He usually stays close by when I am holding her. 


One of my favorite things to do with Analise is to make silly faces and make her smile. I love her smile because she has really chunky cheeks and she is so cute when she smiles. 


Anyway, I love having a little sister. This is a picture of us hanging out at the beach. See ya later!  

-Micah, 8 yrs. old

Josiah’s Jot


Yo, ho, let’s go! That’s right, I have a birthday

 recently and it was a Jake party! I dressed up like Jake and all of my friends wore Jake masks too! It was awesome! We also
 had a piñata that we had to brake open to get the candy.
My Nani sent me a 

new costume for my

birthday and it was a Teenage Mutant
 Ninja Turtle. 
I ripped open the package and put it on immediately. Watch out everybody, I am a “Hero in a half-shell.”  

“now” 4 yrs old 




  • La Romana Christian Church needs help purchasing a bus: About $15,000 total (but the local congregation is going to raise approx. 50%)
  • Punta Cana Christian Church: purchase a small bus. $10-13,000   


  • 2014 EDCM Board Meeting: November 5-9th 
  • Higuey Christian Church roof project: in process  
  • La Romana Christian Church Small Group Program beginning 
  • Praise God for the new believers in La Romana
  • Punta Cana School: 2nd year, 258 students!!   

Thank you for your prayers! God listens and answers! 

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Eastern Dominican Christian Mission


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