Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
    December 2015
The VandeLinde Family

Ryan, Erin, Micah, Josiah 
& Analise 

EDCM team in the USA

 Eastern Dominican Christian Mission was thrilled to be a part of the International Conference on Missions (ICOM) in Richmond, Virginia.  Nahum Baltazar, youth minister in La Romana, and Franklin Francisco, minister in Punta Cana joined the VandeLinde family as they represented EDCM at the conference.  We enjoyed seeing so many of our friends and EDCM supporters at ICOM.  We enjoyed sharing what God is doing in the DR and hearing about what God is doing throughout the world.

The theme of the convention was “The Away Team.” And for our national leaders, this trip to the US was their first time to be away from their home country.  So after the conference Nahum and Franklin had a chance to be tourists in the United States.   They fellowshipped with the many American friends they have made over the years.  New Hope Christian Church and Penn Forest Christian Church, both located in Roanoke, Virginia, were great hosts to our EDCM team.  We are thankful to all who shared with us during our trip and to all of those they helped Franklin and Nahum experience the beauty of America and most importantly the body of Christ in the USA.   

Franklin enjoying the view from on top of the world at Dragon’s Tooth.  Catawba, Va.

Franklin and Nahum applauding the sacrifices of American soldiers at the Veteran’s Day Parade. Roanoke, Va.

Nahum facing off with T-Rex at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History.  Washington, D.C.
Nahum, Ryan and Franklin braving the rainy weather at the White House. Washington, D.C.

Team News

 What’s better than hosting a great short-term team? Hosting three great teams together.  In October, EDCM had the pleasure to host Broadway Christian Church, Mattoon, IL, Minier Christian Church, Minier, IL and Christ’s Church of Mandarin, Jacksonville, FL.  The three churches joined together to minister to the people of the Dominican Republic.  Most of their time in the DR they focused their ministry in Higuey where they partnered with Victor Hernandez and his family at the Iglesia Cuerpo de Cristo in Villa Cero.  Along with providing activities for youth, woman and children throughout the week, they also painted the church building and worked on other finishing touches of building.  Thanks to their hard work and generous financial contributions, the building is now complete with a fence and gate around it.      


Healthy, Growing Family
October and November have been months of celebration and rejoicing in Higuey and La Romana.   Our family is growing here in the DR as we continue to welcome new brothers and sisters to the body of Christ.  
In October we greeted seven new brothers and sisters, including Justin a visitor from Christ’s Church in Jacksonville, Florida.    They joined the family of God during a baptismal service in a local river. 

In November we welcomed 10 more young people into the family of God.  Most of them had participated in a class about baptism and upon completion of the class decided to celebrate together in a baptismal service at the church in La Romana.  An inflatable pool was filled and the young people celebrated with their new brothers and sisters in Christ.  We are thrilled to see the fruit of a healthy ministry but most of all humbled to see the Spirit working in the lives of His children.







Website & Twitter

Check out our website and follow us on Twitter and Facebook.  
Facebook: Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
Twitter: #EDCMmissions

In This Issue
ICOM: The Away Team
Team News
Connect with Us
Micah’s Minute and Josiah’s Jot
Prayer Needs and Requests

Contact Information

Ryan & Erin VandeLinde

: 1-809-707-3069

Mail and Donations to:
Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
PO Box 20136
Roanoke, VA 24018
*for all financial donations

Micah’s Minute



We love baseball in the DR. And here in La Romana, we love the Toros, our local team! Just a couple weeks ago our school had a special night at the Toros game and I got to go with my dad for free.  We clapped.  We cheered.  We screamed and we yelled.  And then we lost.  But it was still tons of fun.  I am learning that you win some and you loose some. I just really like winning a whole lot better than loosing.  I mean, really, who doesn’t? Maybe next time, Toros.   

-Micah, 9 yrs. old 





Josiah’s Jot 





















It’s December and I can’t wait for Christmas! This year some of our family is coming to visit for Christmas so we are getting things ready.  We are making a few special Christmas projects.  My brother does the hammering part and I do the painting part.  Analise just likes to play in the paint, though she didn’t really help at all. But don’t worry.  All the paint washed off when we played in the garden hose.  



-Josiah, 5 yrs. old 


  • La Romana Christian Church: a new generator. We use this generator as the main source of power for the entire church building. Approx. $2000 
  • Higuey Christian Church: a new generator. This is the primary source of power for the church building. Approx. $2000


  • La Romana’s search for a new lead minister


  • The VandeLinde family as well as Franklin and Nahum had a very successful trip to the US. It was a blessing to visit the churches and represent EDCM at the ICOM Conference.
  • Punta Cana School is going very well and is a blessing to hundreds
  • Higuey construction finished! After several years of contrustion, the church building is done and it is beautiful!  

Thank you for your prayers! God listens and answers! 

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