Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
Winter 2013
VandeLinde Family 2013 3 Ryan, Erin, Micah & Josiah VandeLinde

Well done good and faithfulservant”



The EDCM Mission Team is very proud to recognize the faithful service of Rick and Suzanne York. After 41 faithful years in full-time ministry Rick and Suzanne are retiring from the mission field.  When we think about what God has accomplished through Rick and Suzanne’s ministry throughout the years, words like “powerful”, “compassionate”, “faithful”, “dedicated” and “loving” come to mind. Passages such as 2 Timothy 4:2 and 2 Corinthians 4:5 are reflected their ministry.


“Preach the Word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage-with great patience and careful instruction.”

II Timothy 4:2:


“For we do not preach ourselves, but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves as your servants for Jesus’ sake.”

 II Corinthians 4:5


Rick and Suzanne always preached the Word boldly and were always prepared to correct, rebuke and encourage.  The impact of their ministry has been felt by tens of thousands throughout the islands of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic

Rick teaching in PRCS 

and will be remembered for years to come.


Rick and Suzanne started their journeys as students at Johnson Bible College (now Johnson University) and Milligan College, but both were called to the mission field shortly after graduation.  As a young single missionary in Puerto Rico, Suzanne Swango (York) had followed her calling to be a full-time missionary as she taught in the Puerto Rico Christian School.  Little did she know that God was about to bring her the man of her dreams and together they would faithfully serve as missionaries for the next 40 years.  Here is a simple timeline of the Rick and Suzanne’s life as full-time missionaries:


  • 1972 Suzanne moved to Puerto Rico as full-time missionary with the Puerto Rico Christian School
  • 1973  Rick moved to Puerto Rico as full-time missionary with  the Puerto Rico Christian School
    • 1976-1980 Rick was Director of the Christian Day School
    • 1980-89    Full-time missionaries in San German, PR
  • 1990        Moved to Santiago, Dominican Republic.
    • 1991-2000  Suzanne taught in the Santiago Christian School
    • 1995-2000  Rick was the Director of the Santiago Christian School
    • 2000-2003 Rick and Suzanne were professors at Johnson University, Knoxville, TN
    • 2003 Returned to the Dominican Republic and founded Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
  • 2003-2013 Ministered as full-time missionaries with EDCM·
    • Helped plant the La Romana Christian Church, Punta Cana Christian Church and the Higuey Christian Church
    • Began and worked closely with the women’s ministry in the LRM Christian Church
    • Trained the elders of the LRM Christian Church
    • Taught many bible classes and helped guide the LRM church through biblical sermons
    • Planted the Punta Cana Christian Church, recruited Franklin and Ilonka Francisco as lead ministers
    • Helped lead approximately 100 short-term teams

Altogether, Rick and Suzanne faithfully served for 18 years in Puerto Rico, 20 years in the Dominican Republic and three years at Johnson University for a grand total of 41 faithful years in full-time ministry.

Praise God for Rick and Suzanne York! 


Therefore, after their faithful and fruitful 41 years of ministry, they have decided to retire from full-time missionary work. Rick and Suzanne York will be greatly missed in Latin America but their legacy lives on. We here at EDCM are very grateful for their ministry and for the love they have shown to all of us. Therefore, on behalf of all of us here at EDCM, there is really only one thing to say:


“Well done good and faithful servant(s).”


We love you Rick and Suzanne and pray that God continues to bless you as you start the next phase of your lives. !Que Dios los bendiga!

Rick & Suzanne York 
Daughters Laurie and Emily 
Granddaughter Georgina 


“Short-term Blessings”


Over the past several months we have hosted several short-term teams which have been huge blessings.  As these teams surrendered their time, money, energy and comfort to come to the DR for a week and serve God, we were constantly reminded of the passage in Ephesians 3:20-21:


“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Jesus Christ throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  Amen.” 


God continually showed us that He is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine.  The amazing group from Christ’s Church Mandarin as well as the incredible group from Broadway Christian Church experienced firsthand just how powerful our Lord and Savior is and just how much He can accomplish if we surrender to Him.  While both churches focused their efforts partnering with EDCM’s Higuey Christian Church, we quickly became a shining light for the whole community to see. 


Here is a glimpse of what God accomplished through these two wonderful short-term blessings:


Christ’s Church
Jacksonville, FL

Sidewalk in progress 
Sidewalk Before 
Sidewalk Completed

Emily Teaching 
Christ’s Church Team  



Broadway Christian Church 


Minier Christian Church  


Baptisms at the beach 

Greg with children

Sarah with some students 

Broadway and Minier’s groups had the privilege of witnessing four baptisms while at the beach. Praise God! 

You’re a beast Adam! 

Up goes the wall! 

In our own words”

EDCM is blessed by the short term teams that serve along side our national leaders.  But we also feel that God blesses those that give of their time and talents to serve.  Here are a couple testimonies from recent team members.   

I listened and looked at pictures as a friendly couple told me about Eastern Dominican Christian Mission.  They told me about the churches and the Yorks and the Vandelindes but this seemed so distant.  Having the opportunity to go to the Dominican Republic with my dad was definitely a major blessing.  After the trip I can say with full confidence “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more  than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Jesus Christ throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”  Ephesians 3:20-21.  God absolutely did so much more than I could possibly imagine or ask.
                What was I scared of the most on this trip? Surrender.   I was afraid of what God might ask me to accomplish. Praise God for victory in Jesus!  I learned that the will of God is good, pleasing, and perfect.  He is our strength.
                The church in Higuey was amazing and the worship and message on Sunday night reminded me of why I was there; for the glory and renown of the Savior. Through this week in the Dominican Republic the Lord opened my eyes to more of the reality of His Kingdom.  He is coming soon.  Surely He sees everything these people have left to invest in His Kingdom.  So, to sum this up, on this trip I saw the Workers of the Harvest giving for the most worthwhile cause, and that was truly a blessing.  Additionally, to all those who invest in this work, your giving is surely not in vain!  Praise God for what He has done and will do here.  ” 

-Emily Foster, 16 year old homeschooler from Florida

Emily taught in children and youth programs as part of Christ’s Church Mandarin’s team in October.   


   I don’t know how you can grow to love people so much in a few days, but I did. I’m already praying God will show me a clear direction for my future. The trip home had its difficulties, but we all made it in the end. Along the way were more goodbyes, but God willing our paths will cross again. God taught me many things this week. He gave me courage to do things I didn’t think I could do. He gave me the strength to do physically tough jobs. He kept me safe and healthy. He reminded me I don’t have to change the world, but to start with loving one person and serving right where I am. He showed me the danger of becoming indifferent and comfortable in my life. I saw the joy and contentment these people have in spite of their simplistic lives. I am learning, daily, to see things as God sees them, to love people as He would, to live each day to the fullest, and give God the only thing I have to give- myself and my dreams. 

Ps. 37:4 Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart. ” 

-Sarah Tucker, elementary school teacher from Illinois

Sarah shared God’s love with the Dominican children and women as part of Broadway Christian Church’s team in November.


Rick & Suzanne 4
In This Issue
The Yorks- 41 years of service
Short-term Blessings
Contact Information
Micah’s Minute and Josiah’s Jot
Personal Announcements
EDCM Needs
 EDCM Logo

Contact Information

Rick & Suzanne York


Ryan & Erin VandeLinde


: 1-809-707-3069

Mail and Donations to:

Eastern Dominican Christian Mission
PO Box 20136
Roanoke, VA 24018
*for all financial donations

Micah’s Minute
(with Josiah’s Jot)  



Me and my TKD friends! 


Well, i just received one of the bestearly Christmas gifts ever…my yellow belt! As you know, I started taking Tae Kwon Do several months ago and I love it! My favorite part is when my friends and I get to “battle.” That is when we get to fight each other one on one. Well, we don’t actually fight. We aren’t allowed to actually touch each other, but we are allowed to practice our kicks and punches on each other. It is a lot of fun.


Just the other day I had a big test to see if I was ready to get my yellow belt. I had to learn many different types of kicks, punches and combinations as well as the Kicho Hanna. This is a 20 step move that combines everything I know together in one fluid dance-like performance. I had to do it in front of 3 teachers, all my classmates and all of their parents. I was nervous, but my Mom and Dad said I did it perfectly and that they were really proud of me.   


Then, the teacher held a piece of wood and I had to kick it and break it. It was awesome! I didn’t know I could do that. When I kicked it, it snapped right in half! I broke the wood with my kick…awesome!


Anyway, I am loving my Taekwondo class. Can’t wait to be in the Olympics some day:).  



Merry Christmas 


Me with the wood I broke! 



Micah, 7 yrs. old

Josiah’s Jot

“I’m thankful”


At my school I celebrating Thanksgiving this year!  It is a special American holiday that we don’t celebrate in the Dominican Republic. So it was a special day.  All our parents came and we had a feast.  I thank God  for my family and my school.      



Personal Announcements”



VandeLinde Family

baby-blocks2.jpgJust want to quickly update everybody and let you guys know that God continues to bless us as Erin is “encinta,” or pregnant! 

We praise God for the blessing and promise to do our best to raise this child in a loving and Godly home. Please pray for Erin, the baby and the his late May or early June arrival.  



  • La Romana Church needs another $1000 for repairs on their church bus.
  • Higuey Christian Church Roof: $20,000 to put on a concrete roof   


  • York family retirement
  • 2014’s goals for EDCM
  • Punta Cana Scool  

Thank you for your prayers! God listens and answers! 

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