A Rich History, A Compelling Message  
  This year’s Eastern Christian Conference is approaching quickly. There are a number of people working behind the scenes to prepare for the best conference possible – and it won’t be great unless you’re there.
  This year’s ECC is particularly exciting because it is the 50th gathering of our conference. I’ve been to about 33 of our 50 conferences. My first Eastern Christian Conference was in 1980 and had the theme, “More than Conquerors.” Thirty years later, I had the pleasure to be the ECC President, and I chose the theme, “It’s All About Jesus.” This year’s theme continues in a line of compelling topics as it discusses the idea “MORE TO RESTORE.”
  The Eastern Christian Conference gathers annually to spur on greater leadership within our individual congregations and greater cooperation among our churches. There are lots of opportunities for you to attend a variety of conferences, retreats and conventions each year – but this one is ours. It has a rich history and a compelling message. We hope you’ll make every effort to join us November 10-12!     

See you in Hershey,

Joe Wilson 

Don’t Wait For The Last Minute

  If you’re like me, you will probably read 5 or 6 of these newsletters before responding. But we’ve just crossed under the 90 day mark before this conference starts. It’s important for our conference to get your hotel reservations early. 
  Let this year be different and refuse to procrstinate any longer. Don’t wait for the last minute! Exercise some leadership and make your hotel reservation today! You can do that by CLICKING HERE. Then follow the onscreen links and instructions to reserve your room. Remember that your hotel reservation and your conference registration are two different things. Again – get your hotel room by using the above link. To Register for the conference, use the button below.

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