Disciple Makers News
November 26, 2013


Training for Pastors in Latin America


We thank you for your ongoing encouragement, support and prayers! We know we do not stand alone in our purpose of helping fulfill the Great Commission of Christ. Through your partnership in ministry, lives are being changed and people are being brought to the feet of Jesus.
I just returned from a week in Honduras where we held a seminar for our Latin American pastors.  We asked the ministers from the churches in Honduras,
as well as the ministers from Guatemala, to attend this seminar. We also had a special guest from the U.S. (Brother Bruce) who shared with the pastors on the topic of “discipleship.” This was a real blessing as the leaders grew deeper in their understanding of what it actually means to make disciples. This was of special interest not only because this is our “marching orders” from the Lord himself, but also because this is the name of our ministry. The church leaders want to make certain that we are properly carrying out the work Christ has called us to do.

 Vision 2020

In 2010 each minister began visioning what ministry for their churches might look like in ten years (Vision 2020). During our seminar last week, we revisited those goals and plans. Naturally, none of us knows what the future holds. Therefore, the leaders were asked to spend time in prayer before making their three-year revisions. In March of 2014, they will submit their revised plans and respective goals. In a culture that doesn’t place much emphasis on long-term strategic planning, this can be a real challenge. We would ask that you pray for each of these leaders (see column right).
Something we have seen over the last three years that has come out of the Vision 2020 process, is that one of the churches is supporting two of our evangelists in Nepal! It is their hope that by the end of the year 2020, they will actually send a Latin America couple/family, whom they will support, to work among the unreached within the 10/40 Window. Also, this same church has begun a new church plant on the northern coast of Honduras.
Thank you in advance for your prayers.  May God continue to use us all to make disciples for Him!
Tom Schneller

2 Thessalonians 1:11-12With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith. We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer Requests

* Pray for God to give the pastors glimpses of what He can do through them in the future, for the furthering of His kingdom here on earth. 
* Pray that the Vision 2020 goals will be a balance of requiring great faith, yet at the same time be realistic with God’s direction. 
*Pray that the pastors might truly be led by the Lord with His thoughts and His plans!

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