News & Notes from  Disciple Makers
June 2014
VR - Banner - June 14
In the News…

♦ 10,000+ hear the Gospel message preached during an Easter campaign in Central Nepal.  read more…

♦ Four Interns working in Guatemala over the Summer of 2014.  read more…

♦ Third Internet Training Center opens in Western Nepal.
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♦ First Fruits come from the new church plant in Puerto Cortes, Honduras.  read more…

♦ Field evangelists received bicycles in the 10/40 Window
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♦ A night of Praise, Worship and Testimony in Guatemala.
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Dear Friend of Disciple Makers,

Much has been happening during the last couple of months and we are excited about what God is doing.  We have updates from Nepal, Guatemala and Honduras.  Before you read through the rest of this update, could we ask you to stop right now… for just 1 minute… and pray for the ministry of Disciple Makers?

Thank you so much!

Blessings-   Tom Schneller

Growth of the Church in Nepal
church small Less than 60 years ago, Christianity was almost non-existent in Nepal.  There was a known population of just a few dozen Christians.  In 1990, that number grew to over 20,000.  In the next decade, phenomenal growth took place with over 400,000 Christians within the country.  But the rapid expansion of God’s kingdom did not taper off.    read more…
We are so appreciative for your partnership in ministry through your prayers, support and encouragement.  May God continue to use us as we work together to help fullfill the Great Commission of Christ!

Tel: (859) 491-2620
Fax: (530) 425-2620