Update from Nepal


May 12, 2015


By now you probably have heard that Nepal was hit with another major earthquake (7.3) today.  We were able to contact the Disciple Makers family in Kathmandu to make certain everyone was OK.  The students at the Training Center were all safe, but a bit shaken up as they were on the 3rd floor when the quake hit (12:35 p.m. Nepali time). Tonight, most of Kathmandu sleeps outside in the streets and open areas. People are afraid to go inside their homes in fear that another quake may come. Besides fear, there is disbelief and uncertainty in the hearts of the people. Please continue to pray for the people of Nepal.  Also, pray that God might use His church to be an instrument of peace, hope and comfort during these difficult times.

Our team was on the ground from the day of the April 25th quake until they returned home to the U.S. on May 3rd. Tom stayed on for several more days to work on plans for relief efforts.  To date, 8 of our evangelists had their homes and church buildings destroyed.  Most of the people in their villages/communities suffered the same loss with homes being either destroyed or greatly damaged.

During the past few days, Phase I of the relief efforts have begun.  The evangelists are doing a very good job of coordinating the distribution. We are in the process of distributing nearly 50,000 lbs. of rice, 300+ tents and copies of the New Testament.  We hope to have Phase I completed by the end of this week.  We are already working on Phase II which we plan to begin in June.  This will include a follow-up distribution of food along with more tents for those who are homeless. The monsoon season is quickly approaching and some form of shelter is greatly needed. Supplies are limited in Nepal, especially in Kathmandu.  Pray for God to help us as we seek to acquire the necessary relief supplies. 
For those of you who have contributed to the relief efforts, we are extremely grateful!  Victims of the quake are being blessed through your generosity.



Distributing Rice

Distributing Rice
Victims form Tent Community
Victims of Earthquake form Tent Community
Receiving Aid



Nepal Relief1 3
If you would like to contribute to the relief efforts, you can do so online at:
Please put “Nepal Relief” in the memo


Disciple Makers

4393 Boron Drive
Latonia, KY 41015
(859) 491-2620