May 1, 2015
Disciple Makers
Latest Update from Nepal

Supplies are hard to find in Kathmandu right now.  Shops were closed as people did not want to go back to their businesses until the tremors subsided.  This began to change a little on Wednesday.  However, whatever shops that re-opened did not have the supplies needed or were sold out.  We are currently in another major city outside of Kathmandu and are finding some supplies more readily available.  We purchaed tarps for temporary housing and had them trucked back to Kathmandu.  Also, we purchased blankets and food.  We return tomorrow (Saturday Nepal time) to Kathmandu, and will begin distribution of the supplies with our team.
It has rained on and off in Kathmandu since the quake and from that have come colder temperatures at night.  The rainy season is approaching, so this will pose a big problem as those who have lost their homes will face additional difficulties as they live in temporary housing such as tents.
We have been in contact with a couple of community leaders of an area that was hit hard and are coordinating our efforts with them for distribution.

Thank You

Your prayers are greatly appreciated.  Also, to all who have contributed towards the Relief Effort, we say thanks.  If you would like to contribute to the relief efforts, you can go to our website to make an online donation.

Tarps Today, we purchased more tarps for temporary housing. These were some of the last that the factory had.  So far, 425 have been purchased. 
Disciple Makers
4393 Boron Drive

Latonia, KY 41001

Tel: (859) 491-2620
