
and Prayer Requests

 from Indonesia 

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free

We have returned to Georgia for what we intended to be a brief visit to get moved into our new townhouse, have medical checkups, and satisfy regulations regarding Dennis’ “green card”.  Our plan was to return to Indonesia on August 6th.  A helpful [no sarcasm] agent at the Customs and Border Protection explained that he would have troubles if he did not spend at least 6 months out of 12 in the US.   We will be consulting with an immigration attorney to work out a plan of action.    Insurance coverage and several pressing projects in Indonesia will necessitate Lynn returning as scheduled. Dennis will return just as soon as we can find a plan to insure he will  not lose his “Green Card”.  We do appreciate your prayers for this repeated concern.


Prayers for the ongoing ministry.   Please pray for the following people and challenges.


In Maluku. 

…Reni, Lei and Okta continue to meet with Esther (the restaurant owner) who is near the kingdom.   Pray for all of them to have wisdom and to respond to God’s direction.


…Pray for Mike as he continues to serve the SKT people on the island of Ambon.


…Pray for the efforts to establish a seafood export business to provide an visa, and work permit for Speedy and his family.  There is much research to be done on potential markets (undertaken by Speedy’s supporting fellowship in another Asia nation); an the locating of reliable sources for the specialty products that we will export (more will fall to our son-in-law, if Dennis is unable to return as scheduled).


In Pleasant Port.

…Continue to pray for Buzz.  We have heard (without clarification) that the situation with Buzz’ wife has become more complicated.  He continues to remain strong and evangelistic.   Please pray for Buzz and for the conversion of his wife, Sarah.


…Earlier this year Buzz and Abel explained the Good News to Opy.  He and his wife are now following Jesus.    Recently he told his parents of his faith in Jesus and shared the Gospel with them.   They responded that since he had left Islam, he was no longer their son.   In a recent time of worship he vowed to remain strong and expressed faith that eventually his parents will put their faith in Jesus.


Wednesday evening, July 23,  we will participate in the Night of Prayer at Savannah Christian Church (in the AMC from 8 PM until midnight.   This corresponds to the evening before the 27th day of Ramadhan (by most calculations).   Some Muslims feel this is the night when the angels draw close and will determine the Muslims’ fate for the following year.   We are praying that at this time when they are most open to spiritual matters, that they will somehow encounter the living Lord.   IF YOU ARE IN COASTAL GEORGIA, you will be blessed by participating. 


Until all Clearly Hear,

Dennis and Lynn Free


Short term teams are welcome!  
Recent team conducting an “English is Fun” Day in a village area. 
 Searching for God’s plan for your life?  Want a significant short-term cross-cultural experience?  We invite you to consider the articles linked below.  Click the links

The Muslim month-long, day-light hours, fast will begin on June 28th and continue through July 27, 2014.   Over the years we have urged folk to join in prayer efforts for Muslims during this time when many are seeking to draw close to God as they understand Him.  We pray that they will have a growing spiritual hunger and that He will reveal Himself to them.   
We offer two programs you may want to use as you pray for Muslim during their “holy” month.  First,Southern Baptists in Texas have prepared a daily prayer guide.   You can access it here.  Ramadhan 2014 Prayer Guide from Texas.    This guide has a simple look but excellent material.
Students of Islam and Ministry to Muslims have published a 30-days prayer guide each Ramadhan since 1993,  in our last newsletter we gave information on how you could purchase hard copies or dowloadable pdf files.  Even if you did not do that you can still access this excellent material with this link.


From 1975
Dennis and Lynn who have been privileged to live and serve in Indonesia since 1975 thank you for your partnerhsip and prayers.