Mission Services

something GOOD to read & something GREAT to watch this Christmas season! 

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  December 12, 2013

Here is the GOOD to read (well, we actually hope it is great)...
The December 2013 issue of HORIZONS magazine is now available online!   
It is available for viewing or download on the missions network@ http://bit.ly/1cDEdon or our Mission Services website http://bit.ly/MtFXXr.
This issue features an article from C.Y. and Patricia Kim on the ministry of CRAM Worldwide.  You will certainly want to read this.
As always you will find prayer requests from missionaries and ministries around the world, an editorial designed to make us think, a calendar of events that missions interested people may find interesting.
Now for the GREAT to watch….  
Do you know the name Phyllis Rine?  Do you know her story?  Do you know about the Simba rebellion in the Congo that occurred in 1964? 
Whether or not you already know of Phyllis Rine, you need to watch a short 11 minute video tribute to her life!  Zola Brown wrote about the life of this fellow missionary some years ago.  This video is a stirring tribute to the fact that God wrote an Extraordinary Story through her life.  Her legacy continues on the campus of Cincinnati Christian University with a residence hall named for her.  
Please take 11 minutes to watch the video found here http://bit.ly/IRm3nE
Thank you so much for allowing all of us at Mission Services the privilege of helping tell the stories that God is writing daily around the world.  The cause of world missions is great.  May we allow God to fit us to whatever role He chooses for each of us!    



Praying for more to be His,  


Reggie Hundley, Executive Director

Mission Services Association, Inc.

the missions network