
and Prayer Requests

 from Indonesia 

Java Evangelism
Dennis and Lynn Free

Dennis now has in hand the certificate that will make it possible for him to travel freely outside the US without encountering difficulty upon reentry.  This gives Dennis and Lynn the opportunity to continue their ministry in Indonesia as long as that is God’s will and health permits.  They are ticketed to leave for Asia on December 17th.  After 3 days in Singapore consulting with partners concerning Speedy’s return and other matters, and  a night in Jakarta they should be home in Ambon a couple of days before Christmas.


Dennis and Lynn would like nothing more than to partner with the Lord and local believers in fostering a Disciple Making Movement in Maluku in the years ahead.  Please pray to that end.


Pray for Speedy.  He has left Ambon and is planning with his partnering church concerning his return with his family.  Pray for the man from a radical group that was baptized into Christ last week by Speedy.   We know God will use Speedy and his family mightily in the years to come.  Pray for wisdom in laying the necessary foundation for their long term ministry in this divided land.


This week Dennis and Lynn will travel to Columbus, Ohio to be better equipped for encouraging Disciple Making Movements, and to participate in the International Conference on Missions. They will meet with friends planning a short term ministry in Ambon.


On 23rd Dennis is preaching at Miller Academy Christian and on the 30th at CrossPointe Christian both in or near Bremen, Georgia.  On December 7th and 14th he will be back at the Bethany Christian Church, Carrollton.





Until all Clearly Hear,

Dennis & Lynn signature  


Short term teams are welcome!  
Recent team conducting an “English is Fun” Day in a village area. 
 Searching for God’s plan for your life?  Want a significant short-term cross-cultural experience?  We invite you to consider the articles linked below.  Click the links