Greetings from Central Illinois:
“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens” (Eccl 3:1).  We’re in the midst of MOVING season!
Good news:  our container has arrived in Detroit, and will be picked-up from the train depot today.  Lord willing, Craig, a member of the Memorial Church who owns a trucking company will be picking it up today from the train depot.  And, Lord willing, a large group of church members will arrive at our new home, in Livonia, to help unload.
We are on a quick trip to Cincinnati and Central IL to visit family and pick-up furniture.  We are hauling a trailer behind our new vehicle.  Please keep my mother, Juanita, in your prayers.  She has several health issues:  high blood pressure, low blood sugar and limited kidney function.  We’ve seen Emily, but Tabitha is in Houston finishing an internship with a law office.  We hope to see her by the end of August.  Noah begins fall football this coming Monday.
IMPORTANT:  beginning the weekend after Labor Day, we’ll be ready to start visiting our partner churches.  Over the next four months we’d like to share what the Lord is doing in Taiwan thru your partnership.  Please send us an e-mail to get a date scheduled for the fall.  We’re available until the end of this year.  Lord willing, we’ll also be at the missions convention.  Then, beginning Jan. 1st, 2015; we’ll be full-time as Outreach Minister for the Memorial Church of Christ, which is also one of our faithful partner churches for the past 16 years.  So, as of Dec. 31st, our missions support will cease.  If you’d like, I can suggest other Team Expansion personnel, serving among unreached people groups, who could use your partnership.
Thank you for your faithfulness over the next four months, as we complete our home service.  Please keep us in your prayers as we travel to see you, and transition to life in America.  Pray for Noah as he starts football and high school soon.  Thank you for your faithful partnership with us!  The August newsletter, full of exciting news about Sports & English Camp, will be coming soon!
No matter what season of life you are in, may you continue to be a light for Him!
In His Service,
Dave & Brenda