Once again a super typhoon is on its way through our region of the Philippines.  At present it is going very slow picking up tons of water from the ocean prior to hitting our shores.  It would be better if it goes faster as the winds and rain would be less than forecast at present.  One main difficulty is that there are now three different tracking sources for our region.  One is in the U.S. another in Asia and another in the Philippines.  All three have different estimates of the land fall arrival time which should be soon.  However all agree that it is larger and if not greater than Typhoon Yolanda of last year this time from which we are all still recovering. Schools have been closed for several days as well as many offices and most sea and air transport through the island network has been placed on hold.  People are already being evacuated as a precaution as much was learned from the last super typhoon.  Panic buying of can goods and packet foods is going on as electricity and infrastructure will be out for some time if the typhoon hits as it did last time.
Please pray for us and others in the Philippines.  Last time the area of coverage of the typhoon circle was 300 kilometers.  This one is 600 Kilometers and we are praying it will decrease in size before hitting us.  Please pray for our safety and a decrease in the fury of the typhoon.  The winds are now just beginning and we ask you to pray with us for God’s protection and grace.  Thank you in advance for your prayers!
Serving the Lord with Love for the Lost,
Darryl & Carol Krause