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May 6 – 12

Mainland Southeast Asia

Over 230 Bibleless people groups live in Mainland Southeast Asia, many in difficult-to-access areas. Your prayers enable Pioneer Bible Translators personnel to overcome the challenges of taking God’s Word to those who still wait.

Several Asian belief systems, coupled with animism, are pervasive here. Pray that God will open people’s hearts and minds to His truth as it is proclaimed in their midst.

God has opened doors for two families to live in towns among the communities they serve. Pray for good mutual support even though our personnel live far apart.

One of these families is serving a group of 30,000 people where church leaders have requested help with Bible translation. Pray for good progress in bringing God’s Word to them.

The other family serves a group of several hundred thousand with few Christians. Pray that the relationships they are developing will bear fruit.

These two families plus another team member are also encouraging and facilitating heart-language literacy. Pray for a good fit with personnel, projects, and methods chosen.

One team member provides vital administrative services to other organizations in this region. Pray that God will multiply their impact as a result of this partnership.

We desire to see God’s Word bear fruit as people receive it in their heart language. Pray that God will raise up more people to help fulfill this vision. Pray for the transformation of every people group here in Mainland Southeast Asia.

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