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June 24 – 30

Personnel Developing Partnerships

As part of their preparation for service, Pioneer Bible Translators personnel develop prayer and financial partnerships to undergird their ministries.

Developing a team of prayer and financial partners can be a faith-stretching endeavor. Pray that every aspect of this process will draw our personnel closer to God.

Developing these partnerships begins with sharing Pioneer Bible Translators’ vision of transformed lives through God’s Word in every language. Pray that each person will be able to communicate this clearly.

Creating opportunities to cast this vision to churches, small groups, and individuals is vital to this process. Pray that God will open doors for presenting the needs of Bibleless, churchless people groups to potential ministry partners.

Prayer is foundational to each person’s ministry. Pray that God will raise up faithful prayer warriors for every team member who is seeking them.

Financial resources are needed for meeting living and ministry expenses. Pray that God will provide generously through His people as our personnel share with them the opportunities to invest in this Kingdom work.

Some personnel are called to fill roles that potential ministry partners may not initially see as crucial. Pray that God will open minds and hearts to grasp the vital importance of every role in our worldwide team.

God is our ultimate Provider. Pray that our personnel will trust Him in every way as they develop their partnership team.

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