Hong Kong Christian Mission

Wing Wong- China

  • Thank you for your prayers for our co-worker in Beijing, Lijun Yuen. Her tumor was confirmed as benign and the surgery was successful!
  • Praise the Lord that our China teams were able to share the love stories of Jesus with hundreds of children in Beijing, Jiangxi, Sichuan, Shandong, Guangdong, Inner Mongolia, and Guizhou. Thank you for those who contribute to the gift packages! One hospital even allowed us to host a Christmas party and many doctors and nurses also attended. It was amazing since the country has been defaming Christmas and Christianity since the beginning of December. Please pray that those who have heard the Gospel messages and accepted our gifts (which include two Gospel booklets) will continue to seek the Truth and submit themselves to the Truth!
  • Please pray for Conita’s sister, Lisa Mon. About three weeks ago, she was diagnosed with cancer in her ovary, lung and brain. She is not yet a Christian. Please pray that she will listen with her ears, eyes, and heart so she would know what we have been telling her is the Truth. Pray that she will submit her life totally to our Lord and Savior before it is too late! She and her husband live in New York and have a fairly successful business.
  • Praise the Lord that we will have a Chinese intern, Grace Lu, from Lincoln Christian University to work and live with us for the next five months. Pray that we can be good mentors for her and that she will be well equipped to serve the Lord in China when she graduates in May!


Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)
Christic Marblow- Providence, RI

  • Give thanks to God for answering our prayers.  Over the past months, we have witnessed many answered prayers and some growth because of your faithfulness in praying for us.
  • Thank you so much for praying for Oasis Christian Church and Operation I Care joint mission conference.  It went well and lives were challenged.
  • Thanks for your prayers regarding baby Lisa. Unfortunately, she did not survive the cancer. Please pray now for her mother Michelle as she goes through this great loss. Ask God for the Spirit to comfort and strengthen her.
  • Pray for Tarrun so that he will stop drinking and seriously follow God. Pray for his wife, Tracy, to continue doing well in the Lord and for Elise who continues to nurture and disciple her.
  • Pray for Clement, one of the leaders of a gang.  He has expressed interest in following Jesus.  I have met with him and some of his band. They expressed interest in a Bible study. Pray for Clement’s salvation.  When Clement is saved, many of the young boys who look to him for leadership would follow him.
  • Pray for an African brother who just arrived in the country and started visiting with the church.  He has expressed his desire to join the Oasis Christian Church.  Pray that he will find it more rewarding and a blessing as he grows in his relationship with God.
  • Thank God that Christic Marblow has secured a more stable job with a better schedule for ministry.
  • Please continue praying with us for five desktop working computers which would be specifically used for our Saturday tutorials program for kids from South Providence.
  • Please pray for former minister Seokin Payne who lost his mother in Liberia last month. Unfortunately, because of the Ebola virus, Seokin was not able to minister to his family or attend the funeral services.


New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim- Lowell, MA


  • Pray for Mr. Nengvay and his family that they will open their hearts, and turn their lives to the hope that is in our Lord Jesus.
  • Pray that Nong Sim will be able to become a US citizen this year. Also, pray for healing as she continues to struggle with physical illness.
  • Thank God for Divine protection and care, but pray that we will be able to sell this house and move to a safer neighborhood.
  • Pray for this new year of 2015 and for more people to come to faith in Jesus
  • Please continue to pray for my son-in-law Mac. He is still in need of a kidney so that he can live a normal life again. Pray for strength as he tries to continue to work.
  • Thank God for another new family attending New Life. Pray that they will confess Jesus as Lord and Savior and continue growing in God’s grace throughout 2015.


Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee- Manchester, NH


  • Give thanks to God’s grace in providing manpower and resources to accomplish our ministry in 2014.
  • Pray for oneness of our church in marching towards loving and serving Christ in 2015.
  • Pray for strength and comfort for several families having marriage problems.
  • Pray for growth and expansion of the youth and college ministry.


New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon & Kei Eun Chang- Bedford, NH

  • Pray for our youth and their parents, some of whom are struggling with cultural issues in their immigrant situations. Pray that family ties will be strengthened by faith and empowered by love.
  • Continue to pray for Hee Sang Yu and his family while he searches for a new job.
  • Pray for NHKCC as each of our members desires to be more evangelistic among the Koreans in New England.
  • Pray for the children/students as they step into a new academic year.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
