13 June 2014


Dear Prayer Partners and supporters of Cross Cultural Connection,


Matthew 7:11 If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!


I am not saying YOU are evil, but that your prayers are like good gifts to me and that our Dear Father in heaven gives really good gifts to THOSE WHO ASK HIM! Ask away…He hears! I covet your prayers and His answers!


I am coming to you with more prayer requests and praises to include in your prayers. Let’s start with the Praise!!: fellow missionary, David Poling, had his first hip replacement surgery on June 9, just a few days ago., Today, 4 days later, he is walking around in his ward, sitting in a chair and eating regular stuff! His wife Lynn is exhausted! She has spent every day with him at the hospital, several hours each day. The Drs. are talking about letting David go home sooner than thought because he is doing well. Praise the Lord!


Actually this 2nd one is a praise and a prayer request. Praise because I now have a surgery (the prayer part) date set to repair the macular hole in my right eye. The date is next Wednesday, June 18. This will be an out- patient surgery. I need to be there at 10:30 am. The surgery will last about an hour. When it is over I can go home and keep my head down for two weeks!! I am imagining that the first day won’t be so bad, to stay in bed for the rest of the day! But then again, I usually sleep on my side. I experimented with sleeping on my face last night. I actually did sleep for a while, but woke up because of tense muscles in my shoulders and back.


So I don’t know how much information to give you, but here is more anyway. I went to the government clinic on Monday, June 9. The Dr. said, “Do you want the surgery?” I said, “YES!” So he told me to make an appointment for a retinal specialist at the desk outside. They type in your name, out comes the paper with the date and time…….September 9! Another 3 months. I thought, “I don’t want to wait another three months and then possibly have to wait another month or more to schedule the surgery. My eyesight is getting worse!” So I went home and called the original specialist that I saw 6 months ago. His name is Dr. Fan. He did a few more tests and said the macular hole is bigger and he scheduled surgery for next Wednesday as I said.


So yesterday, June 12, was a long day. My appointment was at 3:30 and I got in to see Dr. Fan at 4:30. Totally finished the appointment and left his office at 7:00 pm. Evelyn went with me. We went across the street and had supper at a “hole in the wall” restaurant. I had Pakistani style curry. Yum! We passed by Ladies Street Market, stopped at a few places to get father’s day gifts for this Sunday. Then we headed home on the train. Scott and the girls met us at the Kam Tin train station. I got home by 9:00 pm and was quite worn out.

Today was busy also: leaving home around 8:30 am until around 5pm before getting back home. For one thing, I went to get my hair permed. If one is to have eye surgery, or any surgery for that matter, you have to look good for it, right!? Also had banking to do, bills to pay and am trying to do things ahead that I won’t be able to do so easily with my head down.


Thank you for your prayers! I appreciate all your prayers so much.


All to Jesus,

