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August 2015


Hong Kong Christian Mission

IBCC China- Wing Wong


  • Our summer Bible school started in Sichuan this month. A Chinese Christian group from a Chinese Church in Massachusetts went to help. Please pray for their mission and safety since the Chinese government are tough on Christians lately.
  • I had the joy of visiting with other partners last week in Joplin MO: Good News Productions, International (GNPI) and Literature and Teaching Ministries (LATM). GNPI had helped me put our websites together, designed, and video-taped my lesson series on Charismatic Movements twelve years ago. Now we are exploring more partnering efforts to evangelize and train the Chinese in China. In fact, they are training one of our Chinese Christians from Manchester Chinese Christian Church (Hannah Guan) now. In these few years, LATM have helped us produce and print a number of evangelistic booklets and Bible teaching text books. Jesus in 3D is about ready to be printed. The author Michael DeFazio is a NT professor in Ozark Christian College. He will teach our IBCC class around September-October with this book. Praise God for these two partners.  Please continue to pray and support their ministries! 
  • Pray for our brothers and sisters in Guizhou. There has been some crack down on house churches in Guizhou since May. Thirty Christians were arrested. Some were released. At least eight are facing criminal charges. You must remember we have been evangelizing the Puyi people (a tribe in Guizhou) and a house church was started in Guizhou this January.
  • Pray that the Lord will continue to give us the freedom to preach and teach His words in China because the Chinese communist party is applying a new set of National Security Laws to the country which includes “strengthen education and promotion of the world view based on the core value of socialism” (laws, chapter 2, particle 20) and “object outside powers interfering China’s religious affairs, protect the general orders of religious activities.” (laws, chapter 2, particle 22); “Hong Kong and Macau must execute the responsibility of protecting the security of the country.” (laws, chapter 3, particle 36) . You can interpret these laws in the light of what is happening in Hong Kong and China now.  On July 1, shortly after they passed the new national security laws, some church pastors in Hong Kong were summoned to China for conversation. They were warned not to preach, teach or evangelize any Chinese visitors in Hong Kong including the students studying in Hong Kong. They were told not to invite any Christians from China to attend their seminars, church camps, trainings, and any church activities in Hong Kong. Over two hundred lawyers in China were summoned, arrested or simply disappeared this month because they had been helping the political defenders. A lawyer who had been defending many Christian leaders said he was counting his days before he would be arrested. This year, over 1,200 crosses were taken down by government authorities in Zhejiang province alone.


Manchester Chinese Christian Church

Brandy Lee- Manchester, NH


  • Please pray for the development of different small groups (Bible Reading, Prayer, and Young Adults).
  • Please pray for the stability of the church as people travel in the summer and some families have moved to other states.
  • The children’s ministry and the youth ministry are in need of helpers. Please pray that God can move members of our congregation to be involved in these needed areas of service.
  • Pray for wisdom to lead the congregation in living out the Gospel in the community.


New Life Cambodian Christian Church

Rinn Sim- Lowell, MA


  • Please pray for Veat Lee who’s been visiting our church for the past 3 weeks. In the past she looked down on Christians and belief in God. Now she’s looking for a Savior and sees the good of living in the light of Christ from Christians she has come to know. Pray for her and for God to continue to move in her life.
  • Thank you for praying for Wad, a young man who has been attending our church occasionally. He’s been attending more regularly now and is hungry for God’s Word.
  • Pray for our church members to continue to build relationships that push one another closer to God.
  • Pray for Sakhorn. She has a personal business selling fries and bananas at the park in Lowell. She’s recently been attending our church, so please continue to pray for her as she seeks the Lord.
  • Keep praying for Nong, Rinn’s wife. She still can’t lift her arm very well. Pray for the Lord to bring healing and strength for her at this time.
  • Pray for the safety and spiritual growth of our young children and youth attending summer camp.


New Hampshire Korean Christian Church

Eunho Moon & Kei Eun Chang- Bedford, NH


  • Pray for our church members to be united in one heart for God’s mission. Pray for everyone to welcome new families and to share in the mission. Pray that we can grow in relationship and stronger unity behind our mission.
  • Our Senior Minister Dr. Kei Eun Chang, has announced that he will move to Korea with his family to work at Korea’s Seoul Christian National University. Pray for him and his family as they prepare to transition out of the United States. Pray for our church to have unity and stability during this transition time.
  • Also pray for Mr. Moon who will transition to be the Minister of the church. He’s been leading our church during Dr. Chang’s absence for the past few months, but continue to pray for a steady transition. Pray that he will continue to have courageous and bold preaching, empowered by God’s Spirit.
  • Pray for Preacher Moon’s wife, Myoung Hui, as she is still searching for a good job to help provide for their family.
  • Pray for our Resident Minister, Andrew Fross, who is serving our kids, youth, and young adults. Pray for this group of teenagers as they are being challenged this summer to make God the center of their lives. Pray for our youth students as they return from traveling abroad. Pray for Eunice Kwak and Christine Lee who have been a part of our youth group, but will be starting college within a month. Andrew is also working with our young adults to make them stronger disciples so that they too can go and be disciple makers.
  • Pray for our young adults: John Chang, who is Dr. Chang’s son, will be moving to Korea with his family. Pray for John as he makes a big transition in his life to adjust to a new culture and language he hasn’t fully known. Pray for John and his family’s ministry as they move to Korea in August.
  • Pray for the continual development of our small groups (Young Adult and Adult Bible Study). Pray for our internal discipleship growth to be exercised outside in the communities of our area. Pray for our Young Adult group as they take the summer to prepare for reaching more Koreans during the school year on college campuses. Pray for our church members to have a passionate heart for God’s mission.
  • Praise the Lord for answering our prayers for Dr. Lee and his family’s financial needs! They were approached by someone who’s willing to live in their apartment in Maryland. This will relieve them of the burden of having to pay double rent which has caused strife on their finances. Thank you for praying.


Oasis Christian Church (Liberian)

Christic Marblow- Providence, RI


  • Pray for a new location that will encourage genuine worship and be more accessible to those who attend. We are also seeking additional musical instruments for worship (drums and electric guitar).
  • Please pray for members to grow closer to the Lord spiritually. 
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower the evangelism team.
  • Pray for Christic as he serves in a bi-vocational way.  Pray for good health and an extra measure of wisdom as he carries this heavy load of commitment.

Restoration House Ministries

1300 Wellington Rd

Manchester, NH 03104
