The following is a report from Sang Ho Kim, CRAM Worldwide’s missionary in the Philippines. Please be in prayer for the situation and for all individuals involved. For updates on this situation, please go to our web page at


A team of 12 members traveled to Mindoro island for a 2-day mission trip November 2nd and 3rd, 2016.  We arrived early in the morning and took a small boat to a remote part of the island to provide medical assistance, worship, food and sandals, haircuts and more to the local church members and villagers.  Our Mindoro missions focus on two main villages that have a large population of Mangyans (mountain tribes people migrating down to the villages due to civil war fighting among the mountain tribes).  Day two we provided the same services in the main village area where we stay.  We are also helping to support the churches there: rebuilding of and needed construction of church buildings and leadership support, etc.

Car Accident

Our 12-member mission team traveled to Mindoro island early November 2nd, 2016.  Thursday Nov. 3rd, we returned to the mainland by boat, and were traveling by car to return home in the evening.  Around 7pm in Batangas City, our two cars were traveling, one behind the other, when an oncoming trailer truck collided head on with the front car, being driven by Korean Missionary Hanna (Jae Yeop Ban).  The exact cause is still unknown, but it appears that the truck driver lost control or came around the curve too fast and over-corrected.  In an attempt to avoid hitting the truck being driven by missionary Hanna, the trailer truck swerved left across both lanes of traffic (the direction we were headed).  The trailer then swung around and collided with our truck, sending it flying back, where it flipped over and crashed into the 2nd car (being driven by Lisa Kim).

Prayer Requests

1. Finances / no insurance

Now that everyone is hospitalized and being taken care of, our biggest concern is for the financial aspect and future financial needs.  The company owner of the truck that was involved in the accident is claiming responsibility and doing his part to take care of the situation.  Insurance in the Philippines functions much differently than in the States or South Korea.  There are many complications due to the lack of insurance system accountability, the truck driver and truck also being partner company to the business operated but the man who is taking responsibility, etc.

In the Philippines, a car that is more than 20 years old can no longer be insured.  While personal or company insurance may exist, the system of accessing that insurance or of it actually coming in to play is not guaranteed, and not relied upon by citizens or anyone with long-term experience in this country.   There is no way to guarantee we receive the money (that services are paid for by the responsible party) unless paid for now and in person by that individual.  There is much concern for future financial needs (surgeries, long-term physical injuries or unforeseen injuries that may present themselves after-the-fact, etc.)

2. Team members

Continual prayer for our team members and all individuals involved in this situation.  Prayer for the physical health and healing of the 5 members who were in the car, strength, grace and peace for our entire team.

Specific prayer for the physical and emotional needs of Missionary Hanna, Pastor Arthur, Milton, Gino and Eh Eh.  Prayer for wisdom for the doctors and nurses assisting us, and grace, strength and energy for our team as we continue to deal with this situation and care for our injured team members as best as we can.

3. Emergency Treatment and Financial Expenses

Hospital / emergency room in Batangas City: The 5 team members involved in the accident were rushed to a private hospital in Batangas City and received emergency room treatment.  4 members were then admitted as patients overnight.  Emergency treatment, medicine, hospital treatment, OR treatment (Eh Eh), stitches, casts, materials and supplies, CT scans and x-rays.  The total cost for initial hospital treatment and needs was approximately $9,500.

Current Hospital (Adventist Medical (Mission) Center in Manila)

5 members were admitted to AMC in Manila

Eh Eh (Naw Eh Soe, 26, seminary student, Thailand, Myanmar citizenship).
Sitting in the middle of the back, suffered the most damage from the accident.  Left arm/wrist is broken in 2 places and requires rods and screws – surgery is scheduled for Thursday morning (to be performed by Florida Hospital medical mission team currently on a mission trip to the AMC hospital).  Severe trauma to forehead and eyes, (windshield contact, glass and debris).  Mostly surface damage, not too deep, but were not able to save much of the skin.  forehead and eyes wrapped, wounds still open but stopped bleeding.  Needs time to heal and for swelling to go down before doctors can better assess the situation and what needs to be done.  Much concern for permanent damage to skin around eyebrows and eyes.  Eyelid muscles were badly damaged and she will need several plastic surgeries.    Required ambulance transfer between hospitals.

Milton Baum (29, seminary student, Bangladesh).
Seated back left behind driver, maintained many bumps and bruises, but body is mostly unaffected and healing.  Upper left arm broken (in 3).  Doctors have concluded that he needs metal rods and screws, surgery to be performed Nov. 7th.

Gino (25, seminary student, Filipino).
Seated back right, maintained bumps and bruises to body but recovering well.  Main injuries to the head.  Deep cut over right eye needed stitches, eye swollen shut but healing.  Received a blow to the back of his head which required a CT scan, still waiting for the results.

Pastor Arthur (40s, Church of Christ Pastor, Filipino).

Seated front passenger seat, seat belt and air bag prevented anything from breaking, but suffered cuts and bruising, body still very sore and hard to move about.  Last year underwent angioplasty and have many concerns for his heart.  Still in the hospital being monitored. Concerned for potential long-term or latent effects.

Missionary Hanna (52, long-term missionary, Korean).
Driver. Seat belt and air bags prevented anything from breaking, but is in lots of pain and very sore.  Internal damage is still being assessed but is moderately severe.  Needs blood transfusions and an ultrasound has shown water inside that the doctor is not sure where it is coming from.  Long-term effects, latent injuries, and recovery time still unsure.

4. Cars

Missionary Hanna’s truck
Truck was totaled.  Will be without a car for approx. 2 months.  Cost of car near $35,000.

Mission Car
Hood of car was heavily damaged from impact with other truck.  Repairs perhaps estimated at $10,000.  Require rental car until repaired.

5. Ongoing Care

AMC hospital needs and care, estimated total cost considered around $25,000.