Christian Mission to the Orient

P.O. Box 2363, Joplin, Mo 64803

March, 2015
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Dear Friends,
A few years ago we produced a video called “Gun on the Table”” about one of our  LTC students who was threatened at gunpoint to not preach or teach the Gospel in a village he was visiting.  In this newsletter we want to you meet the man behind the story and hear more of his incredible testimony and journey serving God in a very difficult part of the world.  You will also read an update on the construction project, and updates on travel plans back to the US in April and  during the summer months.

The Man Behind the Story (Gun on the Table Redux)
by David Filbeck

 “Sai”graduated a few years ago and returned to his region to minister in the churches there. Recently Sai paid a surprise visit to LTC to visit some current students his organization is sponsoring. I was able to visit with him for a few moments to catch up on his life and service where he is living. I asked him about the village in the story.


Sai told me he is currently serving in a church some distance from the village, and it is difficult for him to safely go there since the authorities know who he is. He told me that shortly after he was expelled from the village at gunpoint, that the rest of Christians living in that village were forcibly expelled from the 

Sai (left) & Students 

village. They were relocated on a high mountain top with no available water source. Every day the Christians have to walk half a mile down the mountain with buckets to the nearest stream and then carry the buckets of water a half mile be up hill to their homes.


The good news is that the believers are still remaining strong in their faith. This story reminds me of one of the lessons we are learning in the class on John’s Revelation. In our study of Revelation we have learned that in spite of all the different theories, there is one lesson that remains constant and is easily understood. Jesus tell his saints to “be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.” (Rev. 2:10b) This combination of a command and promise is easy to understand, and stays constant throughout time: “Stand firm, and receive the victor’s crown.”  


We have brothers and sisters who are undergoing persecution because of their faith. Sai finished his report saying “Praise God the Christians in that village are still faithful.” And then he paraphrased the words of Jesus in a prayer:  “I keep praying that they will remain strong in their faith and be victorious in the end.”  AMEN! 


Campus Expansion Update
Upgrading the water system.  Four storage tanks (20,000 liters) two filters, a control panel and three pumps.
Stories like Sai highlight the importance of expanding our campus.  Another important message we are learning in our class on Revelation is that  time is critical. It is urgent that we increase our capacity to equip and send church planters and leaders from 30 to 80 students. Our campus expansion will take us there. 

As we continue moving forward with construction there are several things taking place that must all come together at the same time. We are still waiting on the electric company to hook up our three-phase electricity (we are currently on single phase). We need the three phase because the new pumps and control box for our upgraded water system will not run on single phase. (OK it will run, but will burn out within a few hours). The water system is integral because we are making adobe bricks on site, and that requires lots of water. We would much rather use our own water source than pay the community water works.

                                                                                                                                                    In the mean time we have submitted the paperwork for building permits. As the permits are being processed and obtained we will begin making the adobe brick. 600 square meters of dirt has been deposited on the property and is waiting for the workers’ living quarters to be

Building temporary housing for the construction workers. 

 completed. The construction workers will live on site for the 12 months or so it takes to complete the project. The workers will make adobe brick the old fashioned way, mixing the dirt with water and them mixing it into a smooth adobe mixture by stomping around with their feet. The adobe mud will be poured into molds and sun baked. So it is important to get the blocks made over the next 2 months before the rainy season starts.


(Click on pictures to see more photos of the construction.) The time frame to complete the classroom building is about 12 months. 


Keep praying for this project. We are still raising the last $60,000 needed to complete this project.  Click here for more information on what the last $60,000 covers. Or contact David Filbeck at

Summer Travel Update
David & Sharon Filbeck

David and Sharon will be in the US in April and May. Their son Aaron, and  will be graduating from Central Christian College of the Bible, Moberly MO in May. David & Sharon must also pack up the house they have been renting & put all their belongings in storage. In between all that they will be visiting three churches & raising the last $60,000 for  the new classroom. They will return to Chiang Mai around May 18 to start the next trimester. Both will be teaching courses at Lanna Theological Center as well as overseeing the construction efforts.

Carmen Filbeck 




Carmen Filbeck will be in the US for the summer months (June and July). She is currently booking opportunities to visit with churches and supporters.  


She is also available for VBS and Camps. Schedule a day, weekend, or mission event with Carmen by contacting her at





Community of Blessing Update:  AUGUST 14-23, 2015
January 2015 COB Team

We have a few slots left for the Community of Blessing medical trip August 14-23, 2015. We would like to add at least one more person who has a background in dentistry and/or dental hygiene. BUT that is not a requirement. There is a service for you to do. For more information go to our WEBSITE.


A New Family AdditionGabriel Curtis White
David and Sharon are proud to announce the birth of their second grandson,  Gabriel Curtis White, born to Nathaniel and Michal White February 12, 2015. Gabriel joins his older brother Tobias and  shares a birthday with his maternal great-grandmother, Eleanor Kinsey. 
We are grateful for your continued support in helping prepare Christian leaders in Southeast Asia.  You may click here for a Print version of this newsletter.   




The CMO Team 
David & Sharon Filbeck     (Email David and Sharon) 
Ken & Kathy Filbeck          (Email Ken and Kathy)

Carmen Filbeck                 (Email Carmen)