Christian Mission to the Orient

P.O. Box 2363, Joplin, Mo 64803                             January-February 2017 Report 

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David & Deloris were warmly greeted by old friends at the Ban Ta Church 
 It has been a fast paced four months and we have had little time to catch our breath.  It all began with the decision to move mom and dad and Catherine back to Chiang Mai to live with Carmen.  Mom and dad are retired, and it was getting difficult for them to live on their own in the US.  Having lived here in Thailand for over 50 years they have many friends here to fellowship with.  Dad has already rejoined his monthly Opera group.  Mom and Cathy are back in Wednesday Bible study. We have also been able to get dad back into physical therapy  here in Chiang Mai (something  Medi-Care stopped covering in the US, but is cheap enough here)  Carmen, Sharon, and I can be more at ease knowing they are nearby where we can help them. Thank you for your  prayers during this time of transition for the family.


“LTC is my hometown…it’s where my life started”   
Tuan and Tippawan.

Tuan is a graduate of the Leadership in Community program offered through Lanna Theological Center.  This is his story.

“I was born into a Christian family, but they were not serious about their faith. They were Christians in name  only. As a teenager, I found myself in a group of friends who were very rebellious against their parents and tribal village traditions.  They spent all their free time running around drinking and smoking and being lazy.      

I was friends 

Tuan (blue shirt) leading youth

with the pastor who is an LTC alumni, Mr. Wichian. He would always challenge me to repent and go study Bible at LTC.   I finally got to the point in my life where I felt totally empty and useless. I just wanted to get away from family and friends. So, I finally agreed with Pastor Wichian and decided to attend LTC. The evening I got on the night bus I went to a bar and drank as  much I could because I knew no one at LTC should drink with me. 

I arrived at LTC with no purpose, no motivation. But, everyone accepted me and loved me.    It was here at LTC that I really met Jesus and was born anew. To this day I call LTC my “hometown” because this is where my life started. 

Tuan preaching.

At first I was the same as before… lazy and unmotivated.    Bu
t through time and under the mentoring of my spiritual leaders, God Changed me. 

In the past, when I would go home, parents of younger teens would warn their kids to not hang with me.  

Today, when I go home, kids follow me and parents are happy. The Christians in my home village call me to come and pray for them and encourage their youth to  obey and make good choices.   This is all because of God’s Grace in my life. 

Today, I am married. I live in Mae Rim and am working at a home for HIV orphans.    On the weekend I work with my father-in-law who is a pastor of a church. I hope in a few years to return to my own language group and minister there.” 

Tuan and youth group.

Tuan is one example of how your support of the Leadership in Community programs offered at LTC are preparing leaders to impact their communities for Christ. When you support the Leadership in Community Campaign, your are preparing more men and women like Tuan and his wife for service in God’s Kingdom here in South East Asia.

Click on this link Leadership in Community Campaign to learn more about how you can partner with us in preparing more Christian leaders.


Pray for an open door  Colossians 4:3 –January 2017 Community of Blessing Medical Clinic
January 2017 Community of Blessing Medical Mission Team
2017 began with a successful Community of Blessing Medical outreach trip.  This was our largest event, with 24 volunteers from Compass Christian Church (Colleyville, TX) and 

Paul Reitz (l) & Riley Lucas (r) pouring concrete the old fashioned way.

Valley View Christian Church (Dallas, TX). Combined with our local staff and US based staff, we had over 50 people on this group. This called for 7 vans and one truck to transport all the people, equipment, and supplies.

This year we returned to Nan Province, where the mission first started.  The tea 

Paul Reitz (l) & Pat Hays (r) haul bags of cement.

m was divided into two groups.  One group helped with a construction project building an office forthe Youth Development Foundation’s branch office in the township of Pua.  This building is next to the Ban Ta Church and will serve as an office for the outreach ministry of the Lua evangelism efforts.  David had oversight of this team. We worked alongside members of the church lugging buckets of fill dirt, gravel, and cement.

LTC graduate Mr. Bundit (r) translates for Dr. Jim Kissling (center).


The second and larger group, was the medical clinic team.  The clinic includes medical, pharmacy, vision, and dental care.  Three villages were visited over three days.  

LTC student Boyd (blue shirt) translates for Pamela Faith (l).

The first village visited had special meaning for us.  Years ago dad had established a small church in the mountain top village of Yod Doi.  Through a series of Satan’s attacks  the Christians were told to either recant their faith, or leave the village. Dad was put “on trial” by the village elders and told not to come back.  (if you have a copy of mom and dad’s autobiography, “Called” you can read the full story in chapter 23)

Open Wide! COB Dental Clinic.
For close to 30 years we have driven by this village but have not been able to stop.  Last year when we did the medical clinic in a nearby village, the head man of Yod Doi stopped by and was treated.  He asked if we could bring a medical team to his village.  We asked our local evangelist and LTC graduate Mr. Prawanwit to set it up.  

On January 1st, we celebrated the New Year by entering this village for the first time in many years! 

  This is one of the purposes of the COB medical clinic.  To open closed doors  that local evangelists can enter and present the  Gospel of Jesus Christ.  Pray with us that the door to Yod Doi has indeed been open.  Pray with us for Prawanwit and his ministry team as they follow up on this opportunity.

David (r) translate for Riley Lucas at Philokalia Church 

On Sunday the team worshiped with members of the Philokalia Church. This is a church that ministers to families who are living with HIV.  Not all family members will have HIV, but the whole family is affected when a member has this dreaded virus.  Philokalia provides a safe place for people to fellowship and worship.  Riley Lucas brought a  word of encouragement and David translated. 

Our next community of Blessing trip is scheduled for July 18-24.  Contact Carmen Filbeck at for more information on how  you can be a blessing to a community in Thailand.

Leadership in Community Campaign Update
$22,243 received + $25,000 pledged

We officially announced the Leadership in Community Campaign last October. The goal is to raise $800,000 to build dorm that will allow us to increase our one campus enrollment to 40 students, have all students on one campus, and have cafeteria and chapel on one campus.  

God has blessed and to date we have had over $20,000 contributed with another$25,000 in pledges. 

We are still far from our goal. When we have half the amount needed we will begin building the first building.  

You can make a tax deductible contribution to the Leadership in Community Campaign at our website.


Family Announcement

David & Sharon 

Aaron Filbeck & Amber Skelton 

are excited to announce the upcoming wedding of their son, Aaron to Amber Skelton of Anna Il.  Aaron is the youth minister at the First Christian Church of Ann.   Amber is the worship leader and one of the youth group leaders with Aaron.  They are planning a June 10th, 2017 wedding.  David and Sharon will be in the US during this time to celebrate this joyous occasion.  Pray for Aaron and Amber as they plan their wedding, start their life together, and for their ministry in Anna.  

We are grateful for your continued support in helping prepare Christian leaders in Southeast Asia.  You may click here for a Print version of this newsletter.   




 The CMO Team 

Carmen Filbeck
David & Sharon Filbeck




Christian Mission to the Orient/Lanna Theological Center, Box 2363, Joplin, MO 64803