Christian Mission to the Orient

P.O. Box 2363, Joplin, Mo 64803

August 2015
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Dear Friends,
August turned into a very busy month.  End of school year activities, moving into a new house, making visa runs to the border, arriving
LTC students & staff worship at David & Sharon’s new house they rented.
back in country, a Community of Blessing medical clinic, and a week teaching church lay leaders on the Thai-Lao border.  With less than a week before the new school year starts we barely have time to catch our breath. But you can catch up on all the  August news below.
EXCITING NEWS: God’s Surplus (Building Update)

“God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory!”

Philippians 4:19 

  Praise God we have the 

Click here to see an example of what this building will look like upon completion.
funds to honor our contract agreement with Chiang Mai Life Construction. When we signed the contract in February of this year we were $20,000 short of the agreed upon cost of construction and $30,000 short of what we budgeted for furnishings, fixtures, and some remodeling of current buildings into housing (total $50,000).  After much prayer and seeking the wisdom of our board members, we signed a contract asking God          to provide the funds.  

Ramming earth.
Matthew 21:22 “And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” We know you have been faithful in joining your prayers with ours to God to provide the $20,000 contract obligation. (We could live a few months without fixtures and furnishings).  God is faithful and has provided ALL THE FUNDS!! (Yes, even the $30,000 needed for furnishings and remodeling) A generous contribution from CAPS Ministry International in July and another large donation in August put us in the black for this building. Not only that, but the US Dollar has increased over 5 baht in value since January. This means it takes fewer dollars to meet our obligations in Thai baht.  


:  A rammed earth wall.

The new building is scheduled to be completed in February-March 2016.

Thank you for your prayers and financial support of this construction phase. Join with us in offering prayers of
 thanksgiving to God, our provider.


End of School Year
Last September we began a new format at Lanna Theological Center. For a number of reasons we made the decision to switch from the traditional two semester  to a tri-semester system.  We are pleased with the results. The portfolio system is showing positive results as students are able to spend more time between semesters applying what

LTC student Levi (left) introduces the graduating seniors (from left) Mrs. Nam, Mr. Alepha, Mr. Wayu

  they learn in the classroom.  August 8th marked the end of the first academic year under this new system. Three seniors have completed their coursework and will be doing their internship over the next few months. You have been introduced to our three  seniors in previous updates: husband and wife Mr & Mrs Wayu and Nam (click Archive) and Alepah (click Archive). These are three of our most committed student servants and we rejoice with them and look forward to their increased role as servant leaders in God’s kingdom.


Church Leadership Development Program Update
Sharon teaching Christian Family
Not everyone can leave home for 3 or 4  years to attend Bible college. But there are still many who are ready to serve as leaders. To this end LTC developed the Church Leadership Development Program for those lay leaders who need extra training and teaching.  Our first group of 18 completed their training and will receive a certificate at graduation (September 26). We have had positive reports from those who completed the program AND from the national contact of the mission we are collaborating with. Churches are being planted and  people are coming to the Lord.  The national mission leader would like for us to expand our  training program for church leaders in another city on the Thai border to train church leaders from the southern portion of the country he is working in.  He told us the core group of church planters among his people in his country are graduates of of our programs at LTC (full four year course, or CLD)

We started the second round of students in May.  There are  25 leaders enrolled in this one year program,  20 coming from a neighboring country.  Classes are one week intensives held during school break at the Thailand Mennonite Brethren Foundation retreat center located on the Mae Khong River.
Students, teachers, of the CLD Program.  The Mae Khong River is in the background. On the other side of the river is Laos.
Our August session included a class on Christian Family, taught by Sharon & David (four hours in the morning). Several students commented this class should be offered for couple to attend. Apologetics was taught by CLD director Professor Subin (taught in the afternoon).  It was a privilege to get to know these dedicated leaders and was humbling to hear their stories of hardship, struggle, and extreme persecution as they serve the Lord. Please pray for this men and women, and the 18 who have already completed their training.  They are doing a great work for Christ in their country under extreme hardship.

Community of Blessing 
August 2015 COB Team
August 14-23 was our last COB Medical trip for 2015. Volunteers from the United States and Australia teamed up with our LTC student translators for a week of clinic.  We had 3 days of orientation and team building followed by 3 days in the mountains south of Chiang Mai. This trip we provided much needed medical, vision, and dental services in three           Karen villages.                                                                   

Carmen Filbeck (left) Dr. Ken Filbeck (center) Volunteer Dr. Russ Kinsey (right) discuss the day’s activities.

The local government a
uthority was very appreciative and invited us back again stating 

 “There are villages far more remote than these three. If you come back we will proved the 4-wheel drive vehicles to get your team there.” We joked about using elephants; the Karen are known for their elephant training skills.

Pictures of the clinic can be seen at the website.

Our next COB medical trip is scheduled for January 6-10, 2016.  We have room for 3-4 more volunteers.  Anyone can volunteer.   More information on how to apply and costs can be found HERE.

We are grateful for your continued support in helping prepare Christian leaders in Southeast Asia.  You may click here for a Print version of this newsletter.   




The CMO Team 

Carmen Filbeck
Ken & Kathy Filbeck
David & Sharon Filbeck