Go + Serve

REACH is an 8-week summer internship experience for those considering missionary service. If this sounds like you, then this e-newsletter is for you! 

REACH 2016 is coming!

This is not your ordinary mission experience.

This is a chance to take a bit of a risk and step outside the box onto the edge of radical faith.

This is the opportunity to work in some of the world’s worst urban slums, trek through the rugged mountains of a Southeast Asian island, sleep under the stars of the African sky, or shop for your dinner in a city market and prepare it in your own tiny apartment in an Asian metropolis.

You will immerse yourself in a totally new culture, and as you do, this will happen: you will infuse your new surroundings and new friends with the enthusiasm, compassion, hope and love that God has put into your soul.

This is a chance to do something that matters to someone you’ve not yet met, and to God. Take a deep breath, reach out, and make that first step.

Dates to remember:

Application Deadline: December 4, 2015

PDO (Pre-Departure Orientation) in Indianapolis: May 26 – May 31

On the field: June 1 – July 26

Debrief in Indianapolis: July 27 – July 30

If you have any questions, want to know where you can serve or would like to fill out an application, please visit www.cmfi.org/reach. You can also contact reach@cmfi.org.  

Apply Now!

Stories from REACH 2015

Thinking about applying for REACH, but still not sure? Read these stories from a couple of our most recent interns to see how God worked in their lives through REACH. 

Finding Community
Elizabeth Hartman – Chile

Before leaving for her REACH Internship working with the Globalscope campus ministry in Chile, Elizabeth shared these thoughts:

“I don’t know.
I don’t know why I applied to CMF instead of Harding’s Global Outreach program.
I don’t know why I was chosen to go to Chile.
I don’t know why God put it on your heart to give.
I don’t know why God wanted me on this specific trip to work with the specific mission team in this specific country, but your generosity and His guidance have been exquisitely clear. I don’t know why God chose me, but I am willing.”

A few days before returning home to the States, Elizabeth wrote:

“Working here with students has changed my whole vision and opinion of missions. I never really had a youth group, and I don’t have a campus ministry. I didn’t know what a close community of Christians loving God and one another looked like until I came here. I want to be involved in making this environment available for more people for the rest of my life. I am so excited about being able to reach out to students in the States and practice what I have learned in my time here. I feel so on fire, excited to share my struggles and victories with my Christian friends and family.”

Darkness and Light
Zach Hollifield – Nairobi, Kenya 

“So, yes, Mathare is dark. It’s dark because of the poverty, the injustice, the sin, and the pain. It’s dark because of the hurt that is so deep it’s hard to fathom. But Mathare shines brighter than almost anywhere I’ve ever been before. It’s bright because there is an amazing amount of hope here. It’s bright because of the smiles and sweet faces of the children. It’s bright because of the mothers and fathers who sacrifice to provide the little they can for their children. And it’s bright because of the people who are passionate about seeing the communities of Mathare transformed for the glory of our God, who wants the same thing. The people who work here are truly the hands and feet of Jesus. And I am blessed, honored, and humbled to join alongside them.”

To read more stories from REACH 2015 please visit www.cmfi.org/reachstories.


CMF on Campus!

We are planning our recruiting trips for the fall and we would love to meet with you! Below is a list of some of the schools we will be visiting sometime in September – November. Please contact reach@cmfi.org if you would like more information or specific dates for your university.

Boise Bible College (ID)

Hope International University (CA)

Milligan College (TN)

Cincinnati Christian University (OH)

Indiana Wesleyan University

Manhattan Christian College (KS)
George Fox University (OR)

Johnson University (TN & FL)

Ozark Christian College (MO)

Great Lakes Christian College (MI)

Lincoln Christian University (IL)

Point University (GA)

International Conference on Missions (ICOM)

Come find CMF at ICOM this fall!

ICOM 2015 is in Richmond, VA, from Thursday, October 29 – Sunday, November 1. 

CMF International is a global missions team working to create and grow Christ-centered communities.
cmfi.org     missions@cmfi.org     317-578-2700
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