Go + Serve

REACH is an 8-week summer internship experience for those considering missionary service. If this sounds like you, then this e-newsletter is for you! 


Plans for this summer are in full swing. We have 30 interns who will travel to 12 different fields. They will work alongside our missionaries and national partners. Their ministries this summer have the potential to make a huge impact across the globe as our interns infuse their new surroundings and new friends with the enthusiasm, compassion, hope and love that God has put into them.

This summer also has the potential to impact the lives of the interns themselves in incredible ways, but this can’t happen without the faithful prayers and support of folks like you. Please be in prayer for our interns as they prepare to leave for the field and begin their support raising process. If you would like to partner with one of our interns please go to www.cmfi.org/supportyourintern. Thank you for continuing to help transform lives and communities with the love of Christ!


Intern spotlight: Bailey Backus

Bailey is one of our Reach 2016 Interns; she will work in Ivory Coast. She is currently a student at Milligan College, studying nursing with a minor in missions. Bailey is excited about the opportunity to work in the clinic in Ivory Coast, especially the maternity ward. She is also looking forward to spending an extended length of time in another country and learning the ins and outs of ministry. She asked for prayers in support raising, safety while on the field, and comfort for families while the interns are away. She also asked for prayer that God will work through each intern to help show people the redemptive grace of Jesus Christ.

This is what Bailey had to say about being a Reach intern:

“I appreciate that CMF has a holistic approach to evangelism with a focus on ministering to people’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs with the Gospel of Christ. Throughout the application process, and now as I am preparing to go on the field, I am even more confident in my decision to be a Reach intern. I have been well-supported, encouraged, and loved by the mobilization team, and I am excited to see how God will work through the Reach internship program this summer to change lives.”

CMF on the road

We might just be on our way to your school! While applications are no longer being accepted for Reach 2016, we would love to talk with you about the possibility of serving during the summer of 2017 or about any of our other service opportunities. Check out the list below to see the schools we will be visiting this spring or email reach@cmfi.org for more information!

 Milligan College, Tennessee

Johnson University, Tennessee

Trinity Christian College, Illinois

Cincinnati Christian University, Ohio

Northwest Christian University, Oregon

Auburn University, Alabama

Illinois State University, Illinois

Lincoln University, Illinois

Manhattan Christian College, Kansas

Ozark Christian College, Missouri

Pitt State, Kansas

Point University, Georgia


What we’re reading

Are you looking for a new book to read? We have a recommendation for you! In the book “Overrated” Eugene Cho dives into some tough questions and discusses them with truth and love. He asks: “Are we more in love with the idea of changing the world, than actually changing the world?” Cho challenges us to live out our convictions, test them against the calling God has placed on our lives (to make disciples!), and encourages us to act. Our mobilization team read this book together, and now all of our Reach 2016 interns are reading it. We encourage you to join them!

“Ideas, dreams, and visions don’t change the world. Rather, it’s people — like you and me, who faithfully, prayerfully, and tenaciously live out these ideas, dreams, and visions — who change the world.” – Eugene Cho, “Overrated”

CMF International is a global missions team working to create and grow Christ-centered communities.
cmfi.org     missions@cmfi.org     317-578-2700
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