Go + Serve

REACH is an 8-week summer internship experience for those considering missionary service. If this sounds like you, then this e-newsletter is for you! 


“REACH is the perfect opportunity to step outside of your surroundings to see the world that God created. You will never forget that one summer when God revealed to you just how big His heart really is. What a privilege it is that He allows us to join in the work He is doing to restore us all back to Himself.”

Erin Githiru, Director of Mobilization


Applications are in!

The applications for REACH 2016 have been rolling in since September, and we are now prayerfully considering all of our applicants. Please join us in praying for our future interns and the fields that they will be serving on.

If you missed the December 4 deadline and are interested in serving in the future, please email reach@cmfi.org. Our internship coordinator would love to talk with you about future opportunities to serve with REACH and CMF!


Stepping into the unknown

Are you interested in becoming a REACH intern, but your parents aren’t so sure it’s a good idea? Ask them to check out our new REACH parent page at www.cmfi.org/parentpage. As an intern, it will be your responsibility to share necessary information with your parents, but we also know it can be a little nerve-racking for them to let you go overseas for the summer. This page answers some basic questions your parents may have and shares some encouraging words and advice from some of our REACH 2015 parents.


Summer in Germany

Ella Aultman worked with the Globalscope campus ministry Unterwegs in Germany last year. Here are her thoughts about the experience:

“Working with the students at Unterwegs taught me a lot. It taught me to try new things. It taught me how to love without the expectation of something in return. It taught me that every single human being on this earth wants something more, something bigger than themselves. Germany taught me that no matter whether someone is an atheist, agnostic, Christian or doesn’t know what they believe, they are drawn in by the love that Jesus has shown us, and the love that hopefully was shown through me this summer. It is unconditional. It is adventurous. It is captivating, and it is always calling us toward more.”

Christmas at CMF

Are you looking for a way to give back this holiday season? CMF has several projects and opportunities for your consideration. Click here to see ways you can help, such as supporting a missionary, sending a student to college, providing uniforms for students, improving health services, and training leaders. We greatly appreciate your partnership! 


CMF International is a global missions team working to create and grow Christ-centered communities.
cmfi.org     missions@cmfi.org     317-578-2700
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