Greg and Vicki Syverson, Pachuca, Mexico, kids ministry, missions, CMF International

Would you be surprised to learn that missionaries sometimes feel a tug to go and serve in a different ministry or field?

Greg and Vicki Syverson, long-time team members and church planters in Pachuca, Mexico, certainly do, every time they read an amazing update from fellow missionaries around the world.

“Sometimes I talk to God about how I would love to help rescue women and children from the horrors of sex trafficking, or how I would love to be a ‘mom’ to thousands of forgotten orphans,” said Vicki. “There are so many stories from around the world that tug at my heart and make me say, ‘Here am I, send me!’

“But God reminds me time and again that we won’t be the ones to go to all those places that tug at my heart, but instead, we will be raising up an army of young people who will be the ones to go and change the world,” she said.

Greg and Vicki Syvserson, kids ministry, Pachuca, Mexico, missions, CMF International

The young people regularly reach out into their community.

Investing in young lives

God continues to bring more young people from Mexico, Argentina and other countries into the Syversons’ life, and they continue to guide them, invest in them and sent them out to do ministry elsewhere.

Thanks to their partners, Greg and Vicki have been able to send young people for short-term training and service in Chile, Argentina, Panama, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Greece, Nepal, the US and several parts of Mexico. These young adults below are just of few of those who are currently serving or preparing for ministry. If you’d like to help the Syversons train them up and send them out, go here to give today.

Nadia is 19 and feels God leading her to attend an intense discipleship training program in Argentina that focuses on training for outreach, mission and church planting. She was chosen as one of only 12 young people accepted into the program every year. She needs $330 per month and $1,500 for her plane ticket to Argentina.

Toño is from the Syversons’ church in Mexico, and has spent two years at a Bible institute in Argentina. He has the opportunity to attend a special three-month school of evangelism training in Brazil in January. He feels that God may be calling him to full time ministry in some of the toughest areas of Brazil. He needs $2,000 for the class and $1,000 for travel.

Monica is a trained elementary teacher. She served five months as a missionary in Argentina and then attended a nine-month ministry training school. She feels called to serve long term in Argentina and hopes to attend a second year at the ministry training school. She needs $8,000 for the tuition.

David (Tiger) has an amazing testimony of transformation. He has committed to serving for a year among the Tarahumara people group in Chihuahua. When he completes his high school education through testing, he wants to receive university-level training to be prepared for a calling to full-time ministry. He currently needs $300 a month in support for his ongoing ministry in Chihuahua.

Jacqui completed college and then attended a YWAM training school in Panama. Since returning, she has been serving faithfully at the church in Pachuca. She has the opportunity to go to Canada in January to serve with a church and improve her English in preparation for wherever God calls her. She needs $500-$700 for a round-trip plane ticket to Canada.

Cami, from Argentina, attended an intense ministry training in El Salvador for a year. She returned to Argentina to serve in children’s ministry. She would like to serve with the Syversons in Mexico for a few months for training, then fulfill her calling for service in Central America. She needs $2,000 in travel expenses.

Juan David (Juandi) Ramirez graduated from Rio de la Plata Bible Institute in Argentina, served with the King’s Castle ministry and helped to launch five new church plants. He moved to Mexico in December 2014 and developed the Warriors ministry to young people with the Syversons. He trains leaders, mentors young people, and leads camps and mission trips. He is a full-time missionary on CMF’s Mexico church-planting team, and needs $2,000 in monthly support. You can invest in Juandi directly through CMF here.