Go + Serve

This e-newsletter is designed especially for people like you who are considering cross-cultural missionary service. We know it can be an exciting, yet intimidating, journey and we want to walk alongside you in the process. We’ve been equipping and sending missionaries to the mission field for 65 years and are excited to explore how we may partner together. If you’d like to talk to someone in our Mobilization division, email us at mobilization@cmfi.org or call 317.578.2700.

Meet the Allsops

Erik grew up in south Texas and attended Texas A&M University, where he was involved in leadership in his church’s campus ministry. After graduation, he worked in intramural sports at the University of North Carolina and Eastern Kentucky University. Erin grew up in Ohio and spent her first year of college at the University of Valencia, then graduated from the University of Kentucky, where she was involved in Christian Student Fellowship. After graduating, she taught Spanish for six years.

Before God called them to international campus ministry in SpainErik and Erin spent nine years working in Erin’s hometown and raising their three sons. Pray for their family as they prepare to depart for the field in January 2016!  

Hear more from Erik and Erin in the above video.


REACH 2016

Have you been thinking about overseas service but you’re just not sure if you’re ready for a long-term commitment? We’d love for you to pray about serving for eight weeks next summer through our REACH internship program! REACH is not an ordinary mission experience. It is a chance to take a bit of a risk and step outside the box onto the edge of radical faith.

With 15 placement options, this is your opportunity to work in some of the world’s worst urban slums, trek through the rugged mountains of a Southeast Asian island, sleep under the stars of the African sky, or shop for your dinner in a city market and prepare it in your own tiny apartment in an Asian metropolis. You will immerse yourself in a totally new culture, and as you do, this will happen: you will infuse your new surroundings and new friends with the enthusiasm, compassion, hope and love that God has put into your soul.

Beat the December 4 application deadline by starting now! Click here to register!


Where could I serve?

Wondering where you can best use your gifts and talents for God? Take a look at all our updated personnel needs here: CMF Personnel Needs. If none of the urgent personnel needs seem like a good fit for you, we’re happy to talk about other opportunities that might be a good match. Some current needs include the following:  

Globalscope Campus MinistersPuebla, Mexico: The team is looking for young, committed individuals or families who want to minister to university students at Mexico’s top universities in Puebla. El Pozo is looking for self-motivated, dedicated people who are bought into the vision of this established ministry: to love students, know Jesus, and change the world. Passion for learning Spanish and connecting with students will be important for new teammates, as well as serving in a variety of campus ministry tasks.

Worship Ministry Coordinator, Mexico: CMF’s church catalyst team has a position available for an individual to work with established Mexican churches in the area of worship ministry. This individual would help train Mexicans in leading worship, how to play guitar and keyboard, and how to use equipment such as sound systems, etc. Training and experience in worship ministry is preferred and at least a one-year commitment to the ministry is expected.

Microenterprise, Kenya: Our team that works alongside the Community Christian Church among the Maasai and Turkana people needs an individual to work with two churches in Nairobi that are developing a microenterprise program. This program would allow Kenyans the opportunity to start their own income-generating businesses. As the program develops, the individual will provide encouragement and feedback to national leaders. Business education and experience are preferred; this person should have a passion for enabling nationals to carry out their own programs. The team prefers a minimum two-year commitment to the ministry. 



International Conference on Missions

You still have time to register for the International Conference on Missions (ICOM), which will be held October 29-November 1 in Richmond, VA. The theme for this year’s conference is The Away Team. The 2015 President of ICOM described this year’s theme this way: “The Gospel never changes, but paradigms, approaches, and methods do. In Richmond this fall, we will begin to look at a new playbook that reflects the changes in our world. Welcome to The Away Team.

ICOM will give you the opportunity to grow through worship and workshops and connect with more than 200 other organizations, churches, and colleges who will be present at the conference.

You can register here: theicom.org/register

And don’t forget to visit CMF at booth #323! We’d love to meet you!

CMF International is a global missions team working to create and grow Christ-centered communities.
cmfi.org     missions@cmfi.org     317-578-2700
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