CMF International News



CMF missionaries: ‘No Ebola in Kenya’

Posted: 22 Oct 2014 08:25 AM PDT

Vince and Stephanie Brooks, CMF missionaries in Nairobi, Kenya, want you to know that Kenya is Ebola-free, as is the rest of East Africa.

“We’ve heard of a few instances of people wanting to travel to Kenya but are concerned about Ebola,” said the Brooks in a recent email. “Kenya is taking very serious steps to ensure that the country continues to remain free of the virus.”

Africa perspectiveKenya Airways has suspended flights to Liberia and Sierra Leone and has temporarily suspended entry into Kenya of anyone who has travelled through Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia, with the exception of health professionals and Kenyan citizens. They will be admitted to Kenya, but they will undergo extensive health screenings and be closely monitored.

The Brooks also point out the Africa is a very large continent made up of 47 countries.

“If you live in Indiana, you are closer to Ebola than you would be if you came to Kenya,” they said. “The distance from Dallas to Indianapolis is 899 miles, with only three states separating the two cities. The distance from Liberia to Kenya is 3297.39 miles, with nine countries in between!”

“We hope this calms a few fears that people may have about traveling to Kenya and contacting Ebola,” added Vince and Stephanie. “We are praying for the teams that are coming next year to serve alongside Missions of Hope International and the people on those trips. If God is calling you to go, then you can’t live in fear of the ‘what-ifs’ and you must put your trust in the One who is calling you.”