CMF International News



Donations pour in for Nepal earthquake relief

Posted: 18 May 2015 12:55 PM PDT

Generous donors have contributed nearly $11,000 to CMF’s partner ministry in India, Asian Partners International, for earthquake relief in Nepal. Massive tremors hit the country on April 25.

Suffering from the earthquake

The ministry’s staff are proficient in the Nepali language, culture and geography and plan to involve local churches in their relief efforts so they can use this opportunity for discipleship and mentoring.


In an update and prayer newsletter sent out last week, the API leaders shared some glimpses of what is happening now in the affected areas:

  • People in the East India state of Bihar were still trying to cope with the trauma of the April 25 7.9 magnitude earthquake when strong tremors and seven aftershocks rocked the area again on May 12, killing at least 49 people. People in Patna, Bihar’s capital city, are now so frightened that many – especially those who live in multi-story apartments – have left their homes to save themselves from the terror of the frequent aftershocks.

Earthquake devastation

  • This May 12 aftershock that hit Nepal and some parts of India registered a 7.4 magnitude. Experts caution that there is a strong possibility of many more shocks of varying magnitude and intensity in the coming weeks and months.

  • Cracks in several large, well-known temples and mosques in Nepal and East India were noted last week.

API leaders ask for your continued prayers for the people of Nepal and East India. You can also still contribute to Nepal relief by clicking here.