CMF International News


15 baptisms in Mexico

Posted: 17 Dec 2014 11:13 AM PST

CMF missionaries Greg and Vicki Syverson and the New Life Christian Church in Pachuca, Mexico are celebrating 15 baptisms! Greg and Vicki have lived and ministered in Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico (a city of 1.5 million), since 2002. They began by working alongside a local church to reach out into an impoverished community. In 2009 they planted Iglesia Cristiana Nueva Vida (New Life Christian Church) in that community, working together with a team of national leaders. They started with 14 people on their first Sunday and have grown to 130 regularly attending on Sundays, with more attending in their weekly cell groups that meet in homes. In August 2013, New Life Christian Church was turned over completely to national leadership.

In the midst of the celebration of 15 transformed lives, the Syversons ask for us be in prayer for the youth whose families are not happy that they’ve become Christians. One girl was told by her parents that she needed to wait (in hopes that she would change her mind), but she couldn’t wait any longer after seeing the others get baptized! She still lives at home and needs prayer. One man made the decision to be baptized after attending with his wife for over a year. An older lady who was basically blind and crippled when she first started attending the church, can now see and walk just fine and made the decision this week to get baptized. 

Please enjoy a brief video of their baptisms and be in prayer for these new believers as they grow in their faith. 

Baptisms in Mexico