Go + Serve

This e-newsletter is designed especially for people like you who are considering cross-cultural missionary service. We know it can be an exciting, yet intimidating, journey and we want to walk alongside you in the process. We’ve been equipping and sending missionaries to the mission field for 65 years and are excited to explore how we may partner together. If you’d like to talk to someone in our Mobilization division email us at mobilization@cmfi.org or call 317.578.2700.

Meet Gianfranco

When Gianfranco first walked through the doors of El Oasis, Globalscope’s campus ministry in Chile, he was an agnostic and played in a heavy metal band. Through his interactions and relationships at El Oasis, Gianfranco came to believe in Jesus, was baptized, interned with two Globalscope ministries, and now is preparing to serve on the launch team for the new campus ministry in Montevideo, Uruguay.

Hear more from Gianfranco here:



This summer, 38 REACH interns will serve in 10 countries with 13 different CMF ministries. After spending five days in orientation, these interns will be involved in everything from farming projects to ministering to migrant children. This summer’s theme is Anchored, and we pray that each REACH intern will become anchored to God’s story and work around the world. Pray with us as their experiences in missions unfold and anchor them to the global Kingdom! 


Where could I serve?

You can look at all our updated personnel needs here: cmfi.org/serve/personnelneeds. If none of the urgent personnel needs seem like a good fit for you, we’re happy to talk about other opportunities that might be a good match. Some current needs include the following: 

Community Development Worker, Santo Domingo, Ecuador: CMF is looking for individuals with a heart for the urban poor to work in the city of Santo Domingo, Ecuador, a city of 200,000 people. You will work alongside a team of missionaries and Ecuadorians to minister to the community through Community Health Evangelism, microfinance, evangelistic training, and discipleship. The team is trained by and reports to a North American team leader. A two- to four-year commitment to the ministry is preferred.

Women’s Ministry Leader, Burkina Faso: A married woman or widow is needed to minister to Muslim women in rural communities. Ministry opportunities would include Chronological Bible Storytelling with small groups of women, microenterprise projects and health/nutrition teaching. The ability to learn two new languages, French and Dioula, is required.

Globalscope Campus Ministers, Thailand: The team is looking for young, committed singles or married couples who are dedicated to reaching out to Thai students who attend one of the top universities in Thailand. Candidates must be self-starters and have the initiative to learn the Thai language, create campus events and programs, and add an exciting new dynamic to the Grapevine ministry. People who have experience in finance/administration or multimedia experience (photos and video) are also needed.


After Saying Yes

Have you ever wondered what the journey to the field is like after saying yes to serve? It’s full of God moments! Brittney Hoffman, a current recruit for Mexico, shared the following story:  

This morning, I started my day meeting with the Mission Director of a local church. Their decision to partner with me was pretty much a “no” from the start. I was feeling discouraged because of all of the “no’s” lately, but I tried to remember the reassuring things I’ve felt the Lord say to me in prayer, as well as what I’ve heard from my support raising coach since attending Launch.

Right after my meeting I taught an ESL class, and this week’s lesson was a Bible story using words that make the J, N, W, and Y sounds. I hadn’t prepared for the lesson beforehand, so as the students were hearing the lesson for the first time, I was too. It was the story of Luke 5:1-11, where Peter had been fishing all night only to have empty nets. Jesus tells him to let down his nets again, and Peter said, “We worked all night and didn’t catch a thing, but if you say so…” He lowered the nets and raised them to find so many fish that the nets ripped!

I started crying in the middle of my class because I could feel the Lord speaking to my own discouraged heart that so easily wanted to give up after the first few empty catches. It was a beautiful moment, not only to praise the Lord for His faithfulness and providence, but also to share with my students a real application to the story we were reading.

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CMF International

5525 E. 82nd Street

Indianapolis, Indiana 46250