CMF International News



Wallace and Mary Kamau: World changers in Kenya

Posted: 17 Mar 2015 05:43 AM PDT

Dr. Alan Ahlgrim serves as the Director of Pastor Care for Blessing Ranch Ministries in New Port Richey, Fla. He recently shared this story on his blog, “Blessings Ahead,” about the work that CMF partners Wallace and Mary Kamau have been doing in Nairobi, Kenya, for the past 15 years.


I’ve once again been rubbing shoulders with two powerful world changers! When three other pastors (Dick Alexander, Tim Harlow, Eddie Lowen) and I made our first trip to the slums of Nairobi in 2007, we were stunned. The darkness, filth and poverty were overwhelming. Yet, what amazed us even more was the astonishing, light-shining work of Missions of Hope led by Wallace and Mary Kamau.  

Wallace is an accountant and Mary is a teacher, both gifted university graduates who could have chosen a comfortable life. Instead, this exceptional pair of committed Kenyans has been devoting their lives to serving the poorest of the poor for over 15 years. After the first seven strenuous years they had somehow managed to bring 300 children into a school to teach them the basics, and far more. Today, over 13,000 children are now in 16 Christ-exalting schools, and their lives have been radically changed forever! 

Wallace and Mary Kamau of Missions of Hope International in KenyaThis is impossible by human standards. If something like this was proposed in the U.S. we’d say it was impossible. How much more miraculous it is in The Mathare Valley! This wretched slum appears to be a hopeless place where gangs abound, sewage flows in the streets and many of the women sell themselves to survive. Yet, once again we’re seeing how God does some of His best work in the most unexpected places. Light always shines best in the darkness. 

The Kamau’s have faced countless hurdles and heartaches. Wallace told me of their recent challenges and the sense of intense spiritual attack he had experienced. Wallace finally concluded that the work they had been called to was God’s work all along. Only then was he able to once again rest in the assurance that the One who had called them to this rigorous ministry would see them through.  

I love the humble hearts of this pair and I’m not alone. This week, leaders from 30 large churches in the U.S. gathered in Denver to hear more about this strategic partnership. We were all humbled as we listened to them share more of their brilliant, light-shining dreams. 

It’s been said that at the end of your life the world will ask one question: “Did you do what you were supposed to do?” We all have many laments over opportunities we have missed. By God’s grace one lament I will not have is failing to visit Africa and missing a partnership with Wallace and Mary. My African friends have not only changed their world, they have changed mine! 

I’m once again looking forward to introducing a few more pastors to this miraculous ministry. It’s the least I can do for those who are doing so much for “the least of these.” Let me know if you, or another pastor you know, are ready to have your world changed for the better!