CMF International is a global missions team working to create and grow Christ-centered communities.

REACH 2016 begins!

Good planning leads to amazing internship experiences

Twenty-seven young college students began the summer adventure of a lifetime when they arrived in Indianapolis on May 26 to begin their REACH internships.

The interns jump-started their experience with five days of Pre-Departure Orientation (PDO) before flying to 10 different fields for two months of hands-on ministry with CMF missionaries.

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Click here to visit Australia

Not really, but you may feel as if you’re there when you watch this engaging new video created by the members of the new Globalscope Australia team after their recent scouting trip to Brisbane. The team, led by Eric Schlipf, plans to begin its ministry there in January 2017!
Scouting Trip 2
Would you like to be a part of this exciting new ministry because you care about our world’s next generation of leaders?

Read more and donate to Globalscope!



Insects in your oatmeal?

Our missionaries quickly learn to overlook things that would send most of us running for the door! Weevils in your morning oatmeal, anyone? In this story Mike and Joann Noel, CMF missionaries in Tanzania, share some of the typical and not-so-typical adventures they experienced on a recent trip to a village for discipleship and literacy training sessions.

Read the full story



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