CMF International News


Sisters provide business training for Maasai widows

Posted: 29 Jul 2015 08:38 AM PDT

One of the many projects that sisters Megan and Michelle Moss have developed as CMF missionaries in Tanzania is training Maasai widows in basic business principles so that they can support themselves and their families. Michelle shared a look at some of their progress in the sisters’ June newsletter:


Maasai woman in Tanzania


I (Michelle) leaned forward in my chair, anxious to understand Sofia’s feedback from the previous training. Joseph, my national partner, translated her words from Maa into English, and I felt deeply encouraged. Not only did she attend the first round of business training, she actually took what she learned and implemented it! After investing more than 30 hours of teaching, traveling on bush roads to seven different locations, and talking about business plans with 25 Maasai widows – sometimes wondering if anything I did or said would make an impact – her words of encouragement were exactly what I needed to hear. God used her faithfulness and follow-through to build up my strength and confidence as I began round two of training.


During the months of May and June, I traveled to several different locations for the widows in our project to meet for trainings in business. Before we left for America last November, Megan did an overview of basic business principles with the women. I reviewed her material with them and then proceeded with more in-depth trainings on lessons such as God’s Responsibilities and My Responsibilities in Business, Characteristics of Successful Businesspeople, Knowing Your Customers, Knowing Your Competition, and Importance of Keeping Records. After understanding each of these principles, I worked with each widow on developing a business plan to either start or expand her small business idea.


When discussing Characteristics of Successful Businesspeople, I encouraged each widow to think about which of these traits they excel in and the ones with which they struggle. This gives them perspective on what to praise God for and what to pray that God will help them with specifically. Please join me in praying for these 25 women as they begin and expand their businesses.