CMF International News



‘Here, under this tree, is where we will worship!’

Posted: 31 Mar 2015 07:52 AM PDT

There’s a new congregation of Jesus followers in Turkana, and CMF missionaries Dennis and Renda Curran were invited to attend the church’s dedication service last Saturday.

Church under a tree“The new church is in the community of Nawayalim, about 10 kilometers from Napusimoru,” said Dennis. “More than 60 people gathered under a tree to pray, praise, and celebrate as they became the eighth church plant from the congregation at Napusimoru.”

On the next day, Sunday, the Currans returned to the spot for the congregation’s first Sunday worship celebration, complete with 42 baptisms!

Baptism in Turkana“How do you baptize someone in the desert, you ask?” said Dennis. “Well, first you dig a grave. Then you line it with boards and a plastic tarp to hold the water in and the dirt out.”

More than 80 people gathered for the worship and baptismal service, which was followed by a couple of hours of singing and dancing.

“It was truly a glorious day,” said Dennis.