CMF International News


Spiritual warfare in Liberia

Posted: 18 Jul 2016 06:21 AM PDT

MOHI pastors bring God’s word to area steeped in witchcraft


Kenyans, Americans and Liberians gathered to learn how to fight spiritual warfare at a conference led by Agri-Stewards and MOHI pastors in Ganta, Liberia, in June.


Kenyans, Americans and Liberians gathered to learn how to fight spiritual warfare at a conference led by Agri-Stewards and MOHI pastors in Ganta, Liberia, in June.


Pastors from Missions of Hope in Nairobi, Kenya, shared their prayer and teaching support at a special conference on spiritual warfare in Ganta, Liberia, organized by Brian Smith of Agri-Stewards.


Agri-Stewards, a Lebanon, Ind.-based non-profit that teaches “Farming God’s Way” principles in developing countries, took a small team to Liberia for a two-week mission trip.


“The first week was pretty routine,” said Brian. “We worked with ‘Hope in the Harvest’ missionaries Travis and Gina Sheets to install two different irrigation systems on the farms we helped start three years ago.


“But the second week was unlike anything I have ever experienced before in my life!” he said. “Travis and Gina had contacted me asking for guidance in matters we rarely experience in the US: spiritual warfare.”


Prayers and planning


Feeling inadequate, but open to following God’s call, Brian turned to Kenyan friends Wallace Kamau, a director of Missions of Hope International, and MOHI pastors Fredrick Kimani, Clinton Okanga and Isaac Mwangi for help.


Representatives from each of the 30 churches that attended the seminar linked arms to pray for unity among all believers and churches in order to “beat back the power of Satan” in the country.


Representatives from each of the 30 churches that attended the seminar linked arms to pray for unity among all believers and churches in order to “beat back the power of Satan” in the country.


“I went to Kenya in March and met with Wallace and the three pastors to plan the seminar,” said Brian. “The five of us fasted one day a week for 13 weeks to prepare for the June conference.”

When the conference was held in eastern Liberia in June, more than 100 individuals, representing 30 different churches, attended. The three pastors, Fredrick, Clinton and Isaac, traveled from Kenya to Liberia to share God’s message with the Liberian people.


“It is really difficult to put into words all that I experienced at the conference,” said Brian. “The simplest way to boil it down is to say that God asked them to repent and clear up some areas of their lives where Satan had deceived them.


“The participants repented wholeheartedly as a result of the teaching,” added Brian. “There is a tremendous amount of witchcraft that takes place in this area, to the point of child sacrifice. We urged them to unite as a Christian community to overcome the works of the evil one.”


The group had some amazing moments of worship, teaching, preaching and prayer, Brian reports.


“The lesson from God seems to be that a nation’s spiritual and physical conditions are completely related,” concluded Brian. “If you look at the poorest nations in the world, you will discover they are steeped in witchcraft and blood sacrifices. How ironic that these people think they are going to the witch doctor to receive a blessing when, in fact, they are bringing a curse on their lives and their country.”