CMF International is a global missions team working to create and grow Christ-centered communities.

Saying ‘yes’ to Him!

As an active member of the CMF Board of Directors, Julie Ronde is quite familiar with cross-cultural service and the ministries of CMF. Although young adults and college students primarily serve as REACH internsReveal team members, and exchange students, the experience is open to adults of all ages. Julie felt compelled to “say yes” to her own two-month internship experience so she could “live what it’s like to be a missionary for a longer term.”

With opportunities ranging from two months to several years, we believe there is a place for everyone to serve around the world. Consider how your unique gifts, skills, and life experiences may be a blessing to the Kingdom. Could God be asking you to “say yes?”

Hear more about Julie’s experience in the brief, engaging video above.


EQUIP Britain

EQUIP Britain is an opportunity for those interested in missions and church planting to experience the dynamics of both while receiving training, mentoring, coaching, and hands-on experience. Teams of four to five individuals spend 30 percent of their time in formal training and coaching and 70 percent of their time developing and implementing a strategy to connect with community members and ethnic minorities.

With a launch date in September of 2017, it is not too late to join the first team at EQUIP Britain! Start the application process today by clicking here.


Where could I serve?

We have a wide variety of personnel needs all around the world. We’re happy to talk about opportunities that may be a good match for your skills and passion. Some of our current needs include the following:


Church Planters: Mexico

CMF’s church catalyst team is looking for church planters ready to help implement strategies for church-planting movements that focus strongly on discipleship. The team strives to plant churches through discipleship and the equipping of nationals. Pre-field training will include T4T (see, along with other church multiplication training. Individuals will be mentored by an experienced missionary after completing language study. Previous ministry experience preferred. The team is looking for individuals willing to make a one- to four-year commitment.


Child Sponsorship Coordinator: Turkana, Kenya

In 2011, our CHE Child Sponsorship ministry began in the Turkana district of Kenya. The ministry works to improve the health of communities with a holistic focus on improved educational opportunities for students. The program provides students with uniforms, shoes, medical care, vegetables in lunches, teaching staff, and improved facilities. The program also provides parents with counseling and training opportunities. Children are sponsored by US donors. The Child Sponsorship Coordinator will work with national leaders to assist in the ministry, helping to resolve problems, reporting to stateside child sponsors, helping with student/sponsor letters, and developing relationships with potential sponsoring US churches. The team is looking for someone who can make at least a six-month to one-year commitment.


Globalscope Campus Ministers: Salamanca, Spain

The team is looking for young, committed individuals who are dedicated to reaching out to Spanish students in a post-Christian context. The team needs people who are self-starters and have the initiative to learn Spanish, create campus events and programs, and add an exciting new dynamic to the ministry. The team is looking for individuals who can make at least a one-year commitment.


Connect with us!

Are you interested in discovering more about serving cross-culturally with CMF International? Contact us through email or by phone; we’d be happy to talk to you.


CMF International is a global missions team working to create and grow Christ-centered communities.     317-578-2700
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