CMF International is a global missions team working in 25 countries to create and grow Christ-centered communities.

News from CMF International

A week in the life of Globalscope – Each Globalscope ministry plans a varied schedule of intentional activities for its students. Our goal is always to build a community of Christ followers, day by day and week by week.

A big year for Globalscope!

Globalscope was an exciting success story in 2015, and our donors helped make that possible.

Let’s rewind the year and revisit the highlights, because none of these good things would have happened without your prayers and financial investment in the future leaders of our world. Together we can build on these successes and Imagine More for 2016!

Good neighbors

Our Globalscope campus ministries work hard to be good neighbors to people who live next door, down the street or hundreds of miles away.

Last April, for example, 97 El Pozo(Puebla, Mexico) staff, students and friends from nine different countries gathered in Acuña, Mexico, in April to celebrate the ministry’s 10th anniversary by building 10 homes for families who live in extreme poverty in Mexico.

Each of the ten, 480-square foot, three-room homes was built by a team of about 10 people in just over three days.

Supporting churches, former and current Globalscopers and partner ministries raised $100,000 for the project.

Roots, our new campus ministry in Edinburgh, Scotland, helped out with its Spend Differently fundraiser, in which students made different choices in their spending and donated the difference to El Pozo during the six weeks of Lent.


You can’t miss when you mix college students with good food, fun, and late-night campfires! Retreats are an invaluable component of all the Globalscope ministries. The students bond, create memories, and grow in their relationships with Christ during a few focused days away from the pressures of college life.

The Grapevine team in Bangkok, Thailand, took a group of 16 students and staff to Juniper Tree Dolphin Bay for a great weekend of growth and fun in April. The students enjoyed group devotions and short classes, and three students showed great interest in learning more about God and the Bible. 

“On the final evening, Pond, a Christian student, shared his testimony, confidently answering many questions and inspiring them to continue learning more,” said team leader Mark Bernardino.

Then in October, the El Oasis team in Santiago, Chile, loaded up two buses with 88 students, staff and speakers and headed to a retreat center in Pintué, Chile, for its annual “Retreat of the Sexes.” 

“On Sunday morning, as we ended the retreat, more than 20 students stood in response to the message to affirm they want to take steps in their faith walks,” said team leader Philip Linkous.

Changed lives

“Roots ignited a spark in my heart!”

Lauren has been a part of Roots from the first day we opened our doors, and we are thrilled to be a part of her faith journey. Church and Christianity were not a part of Lauren’s daily life as a child. As a first-year student in university when she came to Roots, it ignited a spark in her heart that had been dim for a long time. Lauren was the very first core Roots student, and if we were having any sort of event, we always knew we could count on her to be there. She chose to be baptized on our Weekend Away this past October. 

Lauren said, “I was surrounded by a community who loved me and cared for me, and I was baptized by two of the team members who helped me on an incredible level. I see myself anew and know I wouldn’t be at this point in life if it wasn’t for the Roots community and for everything that they did and are doing in Edinburgh.” – Dee Humphrey, campus minister, Edinburgh, Scotland


Big Events

Special events have a huge impact on the ministries of our teams. The Thanksgiving dinner celebration at the Unterwegs campus ministry in Tübingen, Germany, for example, is a highly-anticipated annual event. This year’s dinner drew 130 people, including friends from local churches who partner with the ministry.

Full speed ahead!

Growth and change made possible through your generosity were the themes of CMFs Globalscope campus ministries in 2015.

Jesse and Sophie Bentley, who served with the ministry in Salamanca, Spain, for more than 10 years, moved to Valencia, Spain, in August to begin a new campus ministry in that city.

David and Claudia Ossa and Carmie Cuda moved to Montevideo, Uruguay, to launch a new campus ministry in 2016.

New teams began forming for additional campus ministries in Nottingham, England (fall 2016); Freiburg, Germany; Australia; and a third location in Germany.

We thank you for being a part of Globalscope’s eventful year. Your financial support, prayers, and continued expressions of encouragement make it all possible. We love going into all the world, campus, by campus, building community one student at a time. We ask for your continued partnership in 2016 because we want to continue sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with university students around the world.

There’s more! To see videos, photos and stories of the amazing work Globalscope has done in 2015, visit


CMF International is a global missions team working to create and grow Christ-centered communities.     317-578-2700
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