Looking for an Intentional Summer Read?
Reggie and Carol, are you heading to the North American Christian Convention? If you’re making plans to attend the NACC, June 27-29, in Kansas City, MO, please drop by booth #929 — Kevin Dooley wants to greet you, one of our faithful CICM partners. There is still time to register and attend the NACC!

While you’re at the CICM booth (#929), pick up a copy or two of Christian Extremismfor your small group, personal discipleship, or study groups for just $10. Even if you can’t make it to the the NACC, this book makes a fantastic intentional soul-moving summer read. Matt Proctor, President of Ozark College, recommends Dr. Ajai Lall and Josh Howard’s book:

Some books are like a flute, light and playful,
while others are a lone violin, soulful and reflective. 
But this book is a trumpet blast!
These words rouse our half-asleep faith and call us to charge headlong into the spiritual battle 
. . . “
Dr. Ajai Lall noted that he and his son-in-law, Josh Howard, wrote Christian Extremism because God laid this message on their hearts. As Christians, we’ve been called to something bigger than this life and this book is a call to action for Christians to get out of their comfort zones and become Christian extremists.

Christian Extremism is also available for $10 at our new CICM Indianapolis office or you can purchase a copy online for $12.95 (includes shipping and handling) by specifying “Christian Extremism purchase” when you give online, Click here!  

 100% of the book proceeds go directly to CICM, as we “Take the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ to unreached people in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh… and to the ends of the earth.”

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