“But the one who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this Gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.”

                                                                            Matthew 24:13-14 

Prakeesh Evangelist Story

We have seen GOD change many lives in India. One in particular is Prakeesh. Now one of our evangelists, Prakeesh used to live much differently. He has a history marked with violence and heavy drinking. Then he was given a Bible. “The words of Matthew 24 changed my entire life,” he said. 


Prakeesh trained at the Central India Bible Academy (CIBA) and felt called to share the knowledge and love of JESUS CHRIST. He now preaches in the village where he lives and also travels to villages to bring the good new of our Savior. Through the obedience of Prakeesh and the Ministry of CIBA, many have changed their lives for the sake of JESUS CHRIST. 

Central India Christian Mission is dedicated to taking the love and knowledge of JESUS CHRIST to unreached peoples in India, Nepal, Bhutan and Bangladesh. Many have come to know HIM and many continue to turn their lives over to HIM. Rejoice with us as we celebrate those who are changed because of the Father’s love for us. Pray with us as we continue to bring the Good News to many who have not yet heard. 

For more information about the work of CICM or to make a gift online please visit www.indiamission.org.


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22 West Bryan St. #302

Savannah, GA 31401