As a thin sliver of a 5 am sunrise begins to light the eastern sky,  Jagdhis rises from his woven charpai bed and goes immediately toward the rustling noise of his water buffalo in the stall alongside his whitewashed mud covered house. It will take over an hour to feed and milk his ten buffalo. He squats beside the animals, softly talking to the gentle giants as he milks each in turn.
It was not always this way. He used to struggle as a day laborer to make a living for his family. He never knew if he would have enough work. Life was much more tenuous. “Before I had the buffalo, life was hard. Work was hard. I would come home completely spent. I can stay at home more now. Life is more peaceful,” says Jagdhis.
One of Central India Christian Mission’s goals has been to help impoverished villagers become free of day laborer bondage by teaching skills and providing resources that help them become independent workers.
Jagdhis started with two buffalo given him by CICM. Six years later he has 10 that provide rich milk for his family to drink and sell.

Please click on the photo below if you would like to download the entire Christmas Catalog. 

It costs $1,200 to buy an animal that will help families become self sufficient. We ask that you prayerfully consider gathering with your church body or small group to buy a water-buffalo for a family in India. Thank you for your support of Central India Christian Mission and your commitment to further the Kingdom. 

All photographs ©Copyright Gary S. Chapman who was able to spend time with Jagdhis in India. 

To learn more about CICM or to give a gift, please visit Our mailing address is:
22 West Bryan St. #302
Savannah, GA 31401

*Please be sure your gift is designated for “Water- buffalo.”
