Since Drs. Ajai and Indu Lall first started Central India Christian Mission, loving and serving the children in central India and surrounding countries has and will always be paramount.  

With the number of homeless and hungry children in India reaching into the millions, the Child LIke This program allows CICM to reach more children and better protect the children we serve. The program is different than the traditional child sponsorship program in that it allows CICM to identify more children who are in need without putting the security of these children and the safety of our team at risk from radical Hindu persecution. The security issue is very real every day for the ministry of CICM. 

The children’s ministry shares the love of Jesus with more than 6,400 children. The funding does not currently meet the needs of these identified children. 

We are thankful for all of our loyal and dependable children sponsors. Please tell others of our need — we couldn’t do this without you and working as a team.

  • One-time gifts provide children with useful gifts such as a blanket ($4),vitamins ($10), immunizations ($10), bed/bedsheets ($50), or clothing and mosquito nets. GIVE NOW.
  • $30 per month sponsors a child in India, providing food, clothing, education, medical care and shelter when needed, and learning of the love of Jesus. SPONSOR NOW.
To learn more about this topic, Click Here to visit the CICM website.

When you visit our website, you will find out more about how you can partner with CICM through your financial support. Would you encourage your friends, family, and church to do the same? Much has been accomplished, but there is much more to be done. We hope you will join us.