There are 20 Million people in the Bundeli Region. There was no Bible in their language until just 4 years ago.


Central India Christian Mission has been working directly with Pioneer Bible Translators to translate the whole Bible into the Bundeli language. We are thrilled that with the support from our donors, the New Testament and more than half of the Old Testament have been translated!

For only $5, you can help translate a verse of the Bible into the Bundeli language.

The Bundelli People
The Bundeli People


“In the past it wasn’t important to do the Bundeli Bible because no one was becoming a Christian. Now we have to do it, because there are so many people becoming Christians.”



We need to see the rest of the Old Testament translated. Because of the translation that has been done, people are giving their lives to CHRIST. Help us give them the whole Bible. Please pray about how much you can give to help bring the Good News to these people. 


Thank you for your commitment to CICM. We are grateful for your partnership, it is a blessing to serve along side you. 


“And He said to them, Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation.”
                                                                           Mark 16:15


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Central India Christian Mission | 22 West Bryan St. | #302 | Savannah | GA | 31401